Chapter 18 - Truth or Dare

Start from the beginning

"Go ahead, I'll catch up" Draco called to his friends as he stopped in his tracks and headed towards my bench. His friends made grotesque feminine moaning and wailing sounds as they saw who he was going to speak to.

Draco placed himself on the end of my bench with his legs crossed and taking bites out of a fresh green apple. My eyes fell to him for a moment, no matter where he was he had an air of sophistication about him that drew me in.

"So Reading, do you want to apologise to me?" Draco said, taking another loud bite of the fruit in his hand.
"Absolutely not" I mumbled, not looking up from my book.

"I want to invite you to the Manor" he said all of a sudden and I dropped my book in my lap in shock, "don't get too excited, it's a party"

The thought of me going to the Malfoy's for tea came to mind and I chuckled quietly to myself, I don't think that would go down too well, but I was still surprised he wanted me to come to his house at all.

"Friday night, there'll be a port key in the common room, you and Daphne can use it to get there" Draco explained. His tone was cocky and presumptuous, he knew despite how angry he made me that Daphne would force me to come.

"Oh and nobody from other houses, this is Slytherin only so don't even think about bringing Weaslebee" Draco snarled.

"What's that Malfoy?" Fred and George appeared in an archway near by and called over in unison.

"I was just inviting your little pet to the Manor on Friday" Draco said, standing to meet with them. He attempted to puff out his chest and even make himself look taller but he was no match when standing before the two 6 ft 3 wizards in front of him.

"Lucky her" Fred retorted, rolling his eyes.

"Maybe it's time she saw the finer things, rather than that squalor you call a home" Draco replied, taking another bite of his apple.

Fred lurched to tower over Draco and George held his arm back, shaking his head at his twin. Fred looked over at me and composed himself almost entirely, not wanting to lose his temper as I watched. He took as a step back and Draco smirked as he took it as a sign of surrender.

"That's what I thought" Draco snarled. He navigated his way round the twins and disappeared from the courtyard.

"Git" Fred muttered under his breath, "I could have had him you know"

"I know mate, but he's not worth getting a detention over" George assured his brother.

Fred shook off his bad mood, and the two boys came to sit either side of me on the bench.

"So tonight Reading, we're having a little get together" George explained.

"Yeah Gryffindor Common Room,  I'll come collect you about 9pm" Fred said, putting his arm to rest behind me on the bench.

"Sounds fun, who's coming?" I ask excitedly.

"Well it's be us, Ginny, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Angelina and Alicia" George explained.

"Alicia Spinnet?" I asked, darting my eyes to Fred.

"She's Angelina's best friend, she wanted her to join us" Fred explained apologetically.

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