Fall of the Volturi

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Having vampires in the house had its pluses. For instance when the twins woke up, Cecily could continue to sleep. At night they were the vampires babies, but during the day Cecily had to practically pry her babies away from the kids. Ben and Nessie were constantly seen with Marcus, while Cecily had to stop Margaret and Thomas from piercing Janie's ears everytime they were left alone.

"Margaret, i swear on our unholy father. If my daughter's ears have one fucking hole in th-" Cecily yelled coming to a stop in front of the two kings. Marcus and Caius sat on the couch, playing with Marcus. Ben and Nessie hovering nearby. Caius looked up and smiled at her, before going back to playing bicycle with her son.

"I see you've met Marcus." She said catching their attention again.

"Marcus?" The sad king asked looking at the boy with aw. Cecily nodded at them before grabbing her son, handing him to Ben.

"What are yall doing here?" She demanded once they left the room. "Where is Aro and the guard?"

"Aro is dead. The Volturi have fallen." Marcus said rising to stand.

"What happened?"

"Alec led an uprising, apparently Aro did some stuff that was unforgivable." Caius said as Edward came into the room. "There will still be the Voturi of course but Aro is gone. Things will be very different now."

"We came to apologize" Marcus said taking Cecily's hand. "And of course meet the little ones."
Cecily smiled at the old king.

"Would you like to meet Janie?" She offered causing the kings to look at her.

"We've met Jane before."

"Not Jane, Janie my daughter." She explained as Alice appeared holding the little blond. Cecily rolling her eyes at the white dress they had put her in.

"Where's Alec?" Jane questioned from the doorway, where she stood with Marcus.

"We don't know." Cecily froze at the words.


1 year later.....

Cecily laughed as the twins ran around the yard with their stubby legs. It had been a year and all the Cullens had moved to Italy, their had been much change. There was happiness and laughter in the castle. Execution was few and far in between. There was peace. Alec still hadn't showed up and they couldn't track him. He seemed to just disappear. Cecily felt that he was alive, but they couldn't find him. Cecily pushed her sadness away, after all today was the twins birthday. Alec would show up eventually. Cecily nodded to Ben who was watching with Benjamin from the shadows as she went to her room. Knowing that nothing would happen to them.

Once she got there she could see where things had been moved. The outfits she had taken out for the party were no where to be seen.
Suddenly arms grabbed her locking her arms to her side as she yelled. A hand coming up to block the noice.

"Nice to see you too dear." A familiar voice said in her ear.

"Alec." Once she said it the arms let go, as she turned to see her runaway husband. The first thing she noticed being his gold eyes. She smiled and smacked him. A sound of someone hitting stone echoing through the room. Alec held his cheek.

"What was that for?" He demanded, looking at her.

"You knocked me up with twins, thats what the fuck that was for." She yelled at him. "Then you disappear for a year. Haven't seen you damn kids." She was ranting when Alec silenced her with a kiss.

"I love you too."

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