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The next two months passed in a blur as Cecily settled begrudgingly into her role as a member of the royal guard. Hating the look Aro got when she would have to bow to him. The things she did to keep Alec happy.
Today though was special as it was Alec and Jane's birthday. Or what Cecily had declared there birthday since they both claimed they didn't have one. She even whipped something up to try. Everyone in the castle was invited despite Alec's request to keep it simple. But one does not turn 400 every day.

She heard Alec enter the kitchen before she sae him. Quickly deciding that he would be her test dummy she she scooped some of her mixture onto her finger.

"Try this." She told him, him complying before thinking. She halfway expected him not to be able to eat it, quickly finding out he could when suddenly her bowl was gone.

"Alexander give it back."
Suddenly her husband was at her side, handing her the bowl. His playful manner gone.

"Did you invite the Cullens?" He asked Cecily his voice taking on an edge. Fearing what the mind reader will reveal to Cecily.

"No of course not. I haven't spoken to them since I was kidnapped." Cecily snapped back at him, blue flames trailing up her arms, in her anger at his accusation. His eyes widened, before speeding off to find the Cullens.
Putting the now cooked batter down, Cecily walked towards the throne room. No real rush. Finally making it there, she was surprised to just see Alice, Ed, and Carlisle.

"Dad," Cecily called out to them gaining all their attention.

"Cecily go back to the kitchen." Alec said blocking her view.

"Go back to the kitchen Alec." Cecily mocked him approaching her dad. Aro was the next one to speak.

"Leave Cecily." He ordered her, causing Cecily to laugh. It was no secret that she didn't listen to Aro. The only king she did listen to was Marcus. "Marcus, tell her to leave." He turned to his depressed brother, but Marcus said nothing.

"Ed, Alice. What a surprise?" She said embracing her siblings. "What brings you to volterra?"

"You." Carlisle said turning his oldest around to face him. "Alice had a vision. Edward just confirmed it though."
A confused look came to Cecily's face as Aro and Alec stiffened. A look of horror coming to Aro's.

"Come, we can talk while I cook." Cecily told the trio, as Aro opened his mouth to protest. Cecily just ignored it and led her family down the hall to the kitchen. On the way there she stopped half way turning to her sister.

"What's going on? Y'all wouldn't just come here if it wasn't important." It wasn't really a question more of a demand. "Is it Ben?"
The vampires shook their heads, causing her to let out a sigh of relief.

"So your married?" Carlisle said noticing the ring. Cecily nodded, glancing around them. The guard were some of the nosiest people had ever knew in her 300 years.

"Their using you." Ed blurted out causing Alice to elbow him. Cecily froze and looked at her brother.

"What?" Her voice was barely audible even to the vampires.

"I read Aro's mind. Him and Alec made a deal. Alec had to convince you to stay." He glanced sadly at her wedding ring. "I guess he did." Cecily who was frozen before collapsed into a ball of tears. Of course Alec didn't love her. She was a monster in the truest sense.

"What about Alec?" She asked Ed, once the tears had stopped. Her eyes rimmed with red.

"It was Alec's idea to marry you where you would stay." He whispered as they watched the heart broken demon. Then suddenly she wasn't a mess on the floor, but an angry woman of flames. Her eyes pitch black, teeth bared. Carpet catching fire under her she went to advance toward the throne room, planning to make everyone who knew pay. Carlisle held up his hand and she stopped.

"If you go back, Aro will kill you." He told her watching the black fade to the light blue they normally were. "It would be better just to leave."
She thought it over for a second, then nodded toward them. Gesturing for them to follow her she went to hers and Alecs shared room. Quickly packing what little she had, she left a note, and the four of them left through a side door. Leaving Volterra and Alec behind.

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