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Cecily's heart ached at the fact that her mate had chosen the Volturi, but they had been left alone just like Jane said they would be. Cecily's water had broken the day previous and it was going at an agonizingly slow pace. They were back in Forks, Bella and Jacob claiming that it would be safer with the pack.

"Jane." She groaned out reaching for her hand. The small vampire standing near her. The whole room was filled except for Edward Jacob and the kids. Who had threw a hissy fit, the month prior when they were told that they had to go stay at a friends house during the birth. Ben flooding the house. Throughout the past year Cecily hadn't given much thought to the birth, but now that it was here. Cecily was scared out her mind. Alec wasn't here, but Jane was, and God was she excited to see her niece or nephew.

"Okay so have we decided what were going to do?" Carlisle asked wheeling in a cart. Cecily let out a scream as another contraction hit her.

"She wants a c-section." Edward said walking in. "More specifically she thought. Get this kid out of me you damn doctor." Everyone let out a chuckle as Carlisle did the epidural.

"Cec." The doctor said leaning down to face level. "Once that sets in we will start okay. Can you hang out that long?"

"I've hung out for the last fifteen hours haven't i." She said clenching her eyes.

"Have you thought of any names?" Rose asked trying to distract her. The demon smiled and nodded.

"Janie for a girl, Marcus for a boy."

"I still think it's twins." Jane said smiling at the names. Cecily just groaned, about a month ago Jane had started with the twins idea, saying that almost everyone in their family was a twin.

"If it's twins i will smack Alec next time i see him." She said sighing once the pain let up. Carlisle walking forward and picking up a scalpel.

"You ready?" He asked his oldest daughter. Who took and deep breath and nodded. The whole family held their breath as he made the first incision. Cecily could feel the poking and prodding but it wasn't painful.
Next was the vacuum like thing was introduced and she didn't want to know what they were doing. Then a tugging was felt and Cecily could see the brown hair as he pulled the baby out. He smiled at her, quickly clipping the umbilical cord.

"Congratulations Cecily you have a handsome baby boy." He told her as she held her hands out for her baby. Almost begrudgingly he handed him to her and went back to stitch up the wound.

"Hey Marcus, you look just like your daddy." Cecily cooed at the baby who just held her thumb. She heard Carlisle let out a laugh.

"You were right Jane," He said looking at the burgundy eyed vampire. Some more pulling could be felt and another cry echoed through the room.

"It's a girl." He said repeating the same process, handing the girl to her mother. Marcus currently being held by Jane.

"So your the one who's been kicking me." She said as the little girl opened her eyes to reveal a beautiful silver color, her blonde hair slicked back.

"Rose?" She asked silently holding out the the baby girl. Carlisle working silently stitching Cecily's stomach back into one piece. Once he was done, the kids were being passed around. The boys obviously favoring Janie.

"Do they have gifts?" Edward asked poking at Marcus's mouth revealing that they had taken after their mother.

"We won't know until their sixteen and eighteen. Until then their regular kids." Cecily told them closing her eyes. The family laughing making their way out the room with the babies.

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