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Cecily slept through the whole plan ride, that day's events tiring her.

"Were going to need to move." Carlisle said, as all of them discussed what to do on the ride to forks.

"Where to? The Volturi knows where all our houses are." Alice said, looking worriedly at her sister. Cecily hadn't said a word since they had left Italy.

"We can go to our house." Cecily said, looking at the ring on her hand. "No one knows where it is. It's also untraceable." Carlisle closed his eyes, thinking before agreeing.

"We get here pack and leave. Cecily don't leave this damn car." Edward ordered, as she just sunk further into the seats. She didn't care anymore. She just wanted her family. Edward frowned, Cecily had never been like this. She always fought. Always, no matter if you were right.

"I'll take the kids in this car." She volunteered when they pulled up. Climbing in the front seat that Carlisle left. "They will be safer with me." Edward just nodded before disappearing. A few seconds later all four kids came rushing out getting in the car. Renesmee taking the front.

"Hey kiddos." Cecily said smiling,

"Mom," Ben yelled smiling. Cecily laughed at the 18 year olds childish nature.
She was about to respond when a sudden tap on the window startled her. Alice stood at the window.

"Seat belts." Alice told the kids before looking at Cecily. "Two minutes, Edward and Bella are leaving first. You and the kids behind them." Alice paused a vision starting. A panicked look in het eyes. "Leave now."
Cecily nodded, before reversing the sudden movement lurching the kids.

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