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When she came to she was in her bed back home. The soft quilt smothering her,she could see Ben and Benjamin were sitting across from her door at the kitchen counter. Noice filling the house from the vampires and demons. Her arm itched and burned.

"Stitches." Ed said appearing in her doorway, Bella with him. Looking at her arm and surely there was six stitches holding the little gap together. Beautiful laughter echoed through as Renesmee ran into the room, jumping under covers.

"Save me aunt C." She squealed as she got closer to her aunt.

"Nessie, don't bug your aunt." Bella said causing Cecily to pull the child closer. Cecily whispered lowly where the vampires couldn't hear, and Renesmee nodded, both of them smiling.

"3....2............1! Nessie whispered as both girls shot up and ran past the vampires to the kitchen, where everyone was. Cecily tagging Ben on the back before running. Nessie right beside her. She could hear several footsteps behind her when cold arms wrapped around her abdomen, and from Nessie's scream they got her too.

"You need to slow down." Rose scolded her when everyone was sat down. "You need to think about your actions."

"Rose, i don't think she knows." Emmett whispered to his wife making her face fall. Rose looked at Cecily, who was picking with Ben.

"Carlisle you have to tell her." Rose said, Carlisle looked extremely uncomfortable as his the blonde looked at him.

"I'm not sure yet." Carlisle said looking at the wall.

"That is bull, it has a heartbeat. It's there, now tell her before she does something stupid."

"What is it?" Cecily asked looking at the exchange between them. Seeing her dad tense up.

"We discovered an abnormality when you passed out." He said as the room quieted.

"What's wrong? Am i dying? Can-" Cecily rushed out before Rose interrupted.

"Your pregnant Cecily." She said causing Cecily to stiffen.

"What?" Her voice was a whisper, when Alice and Edward spoke up.

"Abort it." That's when all hell broke loose.

Instantly Ben and Thomas were at there throats, their partners yelling as they were held off.

"It's half vampire, Half Volturi at that." Edward said looking at her stomach. Ben pressed tighter on his neck making cracks form in his face.

"Edward." Cecily whispered causing the commotion to stop. "It's just a baby."

"That's going to kill you." Alice hissed, glaring at Carlisle. She had told him to take the thing out when he had found it.

"Do you know that for a fact?" Thomas asked her.

"It killed Bella." She yelled and suddenly Cecily was grateful Jake and Nessie went outside.

"I AM NOT A WEAK HUMAN." Cecily yelled standing up, looking at her family. "Y'all forget that We are the stronger species even more than yall."
Rose stood beside her, Margaret on her other side and surprisingly Bella beside her.

"I'm keeping my baby. I know what to expect from Ben's mother's pregnancy." She told them as the boys let go of them.

"I support your choice." Bella said looking Cecily in the eyes. "Me too." Carlisle yelled from the living room, where he had fled, causing Cecily to laugh.

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