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The atmosphere was tense, to say the least. Cecily hadn't spoken a word since they arrived in Washington. She was driving, all of them in the back. None of them want to be near a mad Cecily. She growled softly as she pulled into the driveway parking at the end.

"Stay in the car. If someone approaches don't hesitate to end them." She told them, turning back to face them. "I'm not kidding, this isn't a game. Margaret gets in the driver's seat. When I call you drive straight you will see a glasshouse. Ill is outside." She kissed them and got out. Quickly walking away. I'm a terrible sister. She told herself. Even worse mom to Ben. 

Twenty minutes later she arrived at the house, walking in the first thing she noticed was all the red eyes. Not all vegetarian then.

"Dad?" She yelled out smiling when the vampires cringed. Almost instantly her whole family stood in front of her, including a newly immortal Bella. Her own eyes a burgundy color, in the transition from red to gold.

"Cecily?" Ed said that's when she realized that she had been glaring at her family. She just couldn't believe their stupidity. Her grip on her inner demon slipping she growled. Thankfully one of the other Vampires came up to them.

"Carlisle who is this young lady?" He asked, laying a hand on Carlisle's shoulder.

"This is my oldest daughter. She's the reason we even stand a chance."
The friend looked impressed.

"You must be the strange one they speak about." He reached his hand out. "I'm Garrett." Shaking his hand she smiled.

"Cecily Wynstryngham." She saw the whole family flinch. "It an honor to fight beside you."

"Same to you Cecily. Let's just hope you bring us a win." He winked and walked away.

"I brought some friends. They will fight with us." She told her family. She saw Bella's eyes flash.

"You bring more danger when we have enough." She hissed at Cecily.

"If You would like me and they can go back home leaving you and your daughter to be slaughtered." Cecily's voice had taken on a sinister edge. "And I suggest you remember one touch and this whole house can go up in flames. These friends can almost certainly win this."
Cecily and Bella were noses to nose at this point.

"When can we meet them?" Carlisle said, curious as to who befriended his demonic daughter. Glancing at him she walked outside. All of them except Bella following. Quickly calling them she waited at the steps. The day is all too much for her. Perking up when the grey jeep came into view, she took a deep breath. She knew that the vampires would be able to tell they were related due to the tar smelling blood that they shared. Soon they stood in front of them.

"Family this is Margaret." She pointed at the other blond. "Thomas." "And Ben."
She stood with them wrapping her arms around the two boys.

"These are my brothers and sister."

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