where am i

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  The air was damp for some strange reason, and the windows were sealed shut. That was the first thing Cecily noticed when she woke up in the strange room. It didn't look lived in. All the clothes were from times before Cecily was born and a thick layer of dust covered every surface. Cecily was investigating the room when abruptly the door swung open. Her mate and the blonde entering the room. Shooting them a glare, she walked to the window. Ready to throw herself through it.

"Hello, I am Jane and this is my brother Alec."
His name sent shivers up her spine, his glare not helping. Their names sounded familiar. Her eyes widened when she realized.

"You're the witch twins." She whispered edging closer to the window. They both smiled, successfully creeping her out.

"So you know our names and what we are, but we know nothing about you," Alec said which affected her strangely. Not enough though for her to give up.

"That's how it should be. As it has been for the past 300 years." She hissed at them, something seemed off. That's when she noticed the black most creeping out of Alec's palms. Panic shot through her like a bullet. Quickly reacting, she set the bed on fire, causing both vampires to back up to the doorway.

"If I go under, I will burn this whole place to the ground. Are we clear?" She said calmly taking a seat on the bed, fire licking at her skin. Her clothes were burning but not her skin.
Now it was their turn to look in fear. She laughed. Alec's most dissolved as soon as it hit the bright blue flames.

"Haven't you heard blue flames burn hotter?" She was picking at this point. Enjoying it. "Now you better go before I let the demon out."

As soon as they left, Cecily collapsed into the flames. At least they can't touch me in here. She thought as she fell asleep.


When she woke up the flames were small enough that they were barely there. A bag was hung up on the door. Quickly walking to it she opened it to reveal clothes. She was naked, she realized. At least it was simple
A plain black t-shirt that fell about mid-thigh. Unfortunately, a necklace with the Volturi crest fell out of the bag. Yeah not fucking happening. She thought glaring at it. Pulling the shirt over her head she realized it smelled like mint. It can't possibly be his. She told herself, sniffing it Again. Smells just like him.

"The kings request you to meet them in the throne room." A tall bulky vampire told her. Great, it's execution time! I love you guys. She pictured her family, yes even that bitch Bella. She followed the vampire. Demetri? Was that it?  Yes, he's the one that kidnapped me. Asshole.  She glared at his back, as they came to two doors which she assumed led to the throne room. They both entered the room and Cecily's eyes went to where her mate and his sister stood against the wall. He had a small smile on. Yes, asshole enjoys my death. She glared at the three kings. Aro was smiling, Caicus was glaring and Marcus looked bored. Then all the lower-ranking guards filed in and Cecily knew there was going to be a fight.

"Understand. We do not want to hurt you. Just ask some questions." Ark stated causing Cecily to roll her eyes.

"I guess the whole guard needs to be here for questions." She said sarcastically looking at the vampire. He giggled, the vampire king giggled.

"It's just a precaution."

"It's an execution."

"ON WITH THE QUESTIONS!" The blonde king yelled.

"What's your name young one?" Marcus asked softly. His gaze on her.

"Cecily Wynstryngham. I was born in 1789."

"What are you?" Caius asked her, causing Aro to lean forward.

"A hybrid." She said honestly, not quite ready to give up what she is.

"Between what?" Ark asked her reaching forward his hand, then withdrawing it. Remembering it doesn't work.

"Human and something unnatural." She replied in a bored tone.

"Damn it Cecily just answer him," Alec yelled storming over to where they were nose to nose. Trying to ignore her body's reaction to his voice saying her name she rose to where they stood eye to eye.

"Make me Alec." She said slowly, his name falling like honey off her lips. They just glared before eventually Jane appeared and marched Alec back to the wall.

"Demon, half human half monster." She told Aro looking at Alec.

"I assume the child from the field was yours?' She saw Alec flinch at this. Ha bitch.

"No, he's my brother I raised him along with my brother and sister's help."
Aro looked intrigued by her story. So she turned to face the kings.

"What is your association with the Cullen's?" Caius asked now leaning forward. Cecily hesitated with this, before deciding to tell the truth.

"I'm the oldest adopted child of Carlisle. Edward is also my ex-husband." She told them ignoring Alec's hiss. Aro just clapped, smiling like a psychopath.

"We would like to offer you a place on the guard. Jane will help you with clothing measurements." It seemed like he was dismissing her.

"No." She whispered the word but they heard it all the same. Everyone froze, as Aro turned around.

"What my dear?" He asked his voice quiet.

"I won't be a weapon and I won't serve a king." She told him looking him in the eye. "If I wanted to serve I would have gone to hell with my father at sixteen."

"Very well," Ark said sighing, " guard."

All of the lower guard attacked. Cecily just lowered her head, letting the demon out.

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