46. Fraction of her new life

Start from the beginning

Both were still very different and belonged to a different world yet they were more than just perfect for each other.

They both plopped on the bed while panting and being all sweaty after their 'workout'.

She rolled on top of him and grinned happily,

"How about round 3 in the shower?" JK chuckled but soon gripped her bare arse,

"Lord, you drive me fuckin crazy." but before he could act on his wishes, the door wide opened.

"Mommy?" a small voice made their eyes widen like balls and well couple hid their respective balls under the sheets and smiled sheepishly,

"H-Hey love, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at Grandma and Grandad's house?" she asked and cunning wrapped the sheets around her securely.

With a cute pout on his face, just like his father, he said,

"I missed you, mommy, so I came back." he grinned and jumped on the bed between them making Jk scoff,

"Hello? Mr? Your dad is also here!!!" JK poked his back shoulder to gain the attention of the boy who was kissing the cheeks of his mom repeatedly making her giggle.

"Mr Blake, it is." Almost three-year child retorted back making Jk take back while Rachel laughed and pats the head of her son.

"You are getting quite ahead of your age, young man." JK exclaimed, making the little guy show his bunny teeth, replicating his father.

"Ah you little smarties, stop it already. And Blake, how about you go to Uncle Scott and he will give you some cookies and banana milk while we get ready, hmm?" and without any problem, Blake was already on the run making Rachel chuckle.

"Now that he is gone-" Jk's smile vanished as he heard his wife's next words,

"Not now, bun, he is at home now. Let's go, he must be waiting for us. I will take a shower first." and with that, she ran as well making him throw fits on the bed.

•Time skip -

Rachel sat down on her chair in the study room of hers and opened the diary she has been writing since the last few months after reading some articles about how good it is.

It came as shocking to her that she could continue it for so long,

Dear diary,

Tomorrow, Blake is turning three.

I cannot believe that it has been three years already since I held him for the first time. The first time I got the surprise news that I was pregnant after a few days of that beautiful private wedding bunny held for us, just like how I wanted.

To be honest, I wasn't ready for the kid, but when I saw tears in Joel's eyes when I told him the news, I knew that he is always going to be there for our child and me. I knew that I was not going to let anyone stop me from bringing our little creation into this world, that no one will ever love him more than we do and no one would be ever enough for him.

With this life of Joel, it is always risky, indeed it is, but sometimes you find something/someone worth fighting for and looks like I found not one but many.

Our big fat arse family, six best-friends, one brother, mom and dad -like in-laws, one man that I fell head over heels for, who fulfils every fetish of mine and also takes care of me, and the young man I love the most, Blake, my son.

Don't tell bunny that I said that, I do not have the energy to calm his jealousy with his own son anymore.

Anyways, I gotta run, I have this huge operation of one aged politician and I have to review his files before tomorrow and clock the timings of every action of mine so that I can reduce the chances of the long hours of the operation and run back to the party of my son ASAP before he gets all pouty and before I miss one of the golden moments of our life.

I will write to you further tomorrow, I guess?

Tata :)

Dr Rachel King ;)


A/N: I don't question any profession or country. It's just an imagine of mine and total work of fiction.
Any similarity is just a pure coincidence.

Thank you for reading Lethal so much. I love you all. It took me so long to write this bonus but finally I did it. ✊🏻Thank you so so so so so so much for waiting so much 😭😭🥺🥺🤍

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Love you🥺🤍
Bhavya 🐳

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