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Karl's POV: Dream says I'm up next, I try to swallow but it's hard I get nervous because I don't want to kiss any of my friends I look at sapnap for a second and my heart stops....he looks so scared I think to myself for a second.. could it be because I'm about to kiss somone? No,no it can't be! We're just best friends..but I would by lying if I said I hadn't wanted to kiss him before he is always so kind and just amazing his personality is the best and his looks are just a plus...but there's no way her likes me "well here we go" I grab the bottle and tightly close my eyes I hear the bottle stop and everyone gasps I slowly open my eyes to see who the bottle landed on, my heart stopped as I saw it landed in SAPNAP?!?! I sat there screaming in my head before saying "okay let's go" I felt all eyes on me and sapnap as we entered the dark closet I sat down and sapnap shut the doors I could tell he knew I was nervous I felt somone grab my hand gently "hey it's okay we can just sit here and talk or we don't have to do anything I just want you to be comfy" he said with a genuine smile...gosh he looked so cute in that moment he look venerable and nervous I looked up at him then gulped I closed my eyes then I kissed him!
It felt like I was dreaming his soft lips against mine it felt like we were meant to be I felt him smile and couldn't help but do the same he unlocked his lips and says "woah" I looked up at him "I-I am so,so sorry sap you just-"
He put his finger over my lips signaling for me to be quiet "it's okay karl...." he paused for a second then looked back at me "I loved it" I smiled then we kissed one more time before we heard Dream shout "Alright guys times up" I got a bit sad I didn't want this to end it felt magical but sadly it did.

Sapnaps POV:

We walked into the closet after about a minute of silent I assured him we didn't have to do anything he looked a bit shy in that moment it was like everything froze he looked so cute with his jeans and sweater I could sit there and look at him like that and it would make me so happy but then I felt Karl getting closer to me....the next thing I knew me and Karl were kissing!! Is this real I thought to myself....it felt amazing his lips meant my movement and everything he was a good kisser for sure I couldn't help but smile then I felt him do the same, then I pulled away "woah" I said I didn't know what else to say then he looked worried he stuttered with his words "I-I am so,so sorry sap you just-" I smiled at his cute little reaction then I put my finger over his soft lips "it's okay karl" I stooped for a second to take in what all just happened "I loved it" I said then we both smiled we both looked as we heard Dream say "Alright guys times up"
I saw Karl look down I could tell he like what just happens but he was a bit upset we walked out of the closet I knew everyone wanted to know what happend but I didn't care I grabbed Karl's hand and pulled him upstairs we got up to the living room then I told him "hey get you're shoes on" he looked at me confused I walked him outside then said "can we go to my house?" He looked shocked but said okay I looked at him and gave him a smirk "not in that way silly" he giggled "of course I knew that sappy" I blushed as hard as a cherry "s-sappy" I said looking at Karl with my cheeks red "oh s-sorry my bad it just slipped out" Karl said looking down "Karl it's fine" I smiled as we got in the car and drove to my house halfway through the drive I put on a song called "Sweater weather" he looked at me then said "what song it this it's really good" I told him the name then after we heard it twice he already has memorized it so the rest of the way there we sung it as a duet and I have to say we sound good "touch my neck and I'll touch you'res" Karl said while singing cheerfully "you and this little high waisted shorts oh" I sang as we arrived to my house we entered then went to my room I sat on my bed and patted a seat signaling for Karl to sit down and that's what he did "sooo should we talk about earlier" I said while looking up at Karl "yeah" he said looking to the floor I put my finger on his chin and gently used my finger to guide his face to look at mine I saw him blush a rosey red color then smile at me "Karl...I l-like you and you don't have to say anything I get it we are best friends and I don't ever want to lose you because you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I-I just really like you Jacobs" Karl looked at me shocked "Jacobs, huh he said while smirking" I looked down a bit upset that he completely ignored that I just fully pored my heart out "sapnap I'm kidding...I-I like you to" he said smiling "but jacobs that's a pretty cool nick name that's sappy" he said while smirking at me "god stop you look so hot right now Jacobs" I stopped and my face grew beat red as I realized I said that out loud Karl looked shocked but then he gave me a cute smile "aww don't be embarrassed sappy you're pretty hot you're self" he looked at me and winked...I couldn't stop myself form what I did next I grabbed his face cupping it and kissed his with such passion I felt him smiling so hard and once again I did the same we sat there just kissing and I didn't want to stop it felt amaizng at that moment I got sparks I felt it earlier to and now I knew for sure Karl was the one for me before anything else happened he pulled away "that was....." he stopped at looked behind him then looked back at me " perfect, that was perfect" we were in my room for so long I didn't even realize how dark it was I looked at Karl and said "it's really dark do you want to stay here for the night?" I asked because I knew Karl hated the dark once he got so scared he punched a George in the face next to us at a dark haunted house it was so funny I almost died of laughter while of course dreams wheezing made it one million times funnier anyways Karl I heard Karl say "where will I sleep" I had completely forgotten that I had a guest room but I didn't have anything in it yet "I'll take the couch and you can have my bed" I said smiling "no I can't have you do that" he said looking worried at me "Karl I insist plus I will not have you get the couch it's not that comfy for sleeping on" I said to Karl while trying my best to let him know that it would be fine. "But sapnap I won't allow you to give up you're bed for me I will take the couch" Karl said in a stern voice but I wasn't gonna let him win that easy but the next thing I said made me so embarrassed "okay fine how about we sleep in my bed, together" I looked and I re-traced what I had just said for what felt like years until seen Karl's face look like a full tomato it was so red "I mean if it's fine with you I guess that could work" Karl says I sighed in relief I didn't want him thinking I wanted to sleep with him or anything "yeah no it's fine"

one thing you need to know about Karl jacobs is that he mostly shows love through touch he always hugs or cuddles with me to show he cared and that's one thing I love so much about him so I will try to show that in the story

Kalr's POV: I got goosebumps at the fact that I was going to me sleeping in the same bed as sapnap but I was also excited, not in that way but yeah anyways sapnap was getting around for bed, he handed me and white t-shirt and some black sweatpants I went to change when I came out I saw sapnap is a white t-shirt matching with me then I saw he had in grey sweatpants...what is he trying to do to me.
I have to admit he looked very good in then tho we smiled at eachother then he said "you ready for bed Jacobs" gosh I love when he called me that..."yeah I'm ready sappy" he grined
And turned off the lights we laid down in his double bed I felt him close to me I was in the corner but I felt so safe with him and warm I cuddled up against him hoping wouldn't mind but I could tell he was smiling he gently grabbed my hand and pulled my arm over his shoulder, I nuzzled him a bit them drifted off to sleep.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I am so sorry if it made you uncomfortable!!

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