To New Begginings, and Great Endings

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I hope this chapters good, it's the final one, unless I ever decide to do some one shots of the after-marriage, thankyou guys for over 90 thousand reads, absolutely crazy guys, thankyou.


Dreams pov: I had the honor of walking sap down the wedding, his family couldn't make it. Karl's dad was walking him down, and George was sad by the news for a little, then we played bed-wars and he had completely forgot!
Speaking of, we're all matching is a way, Iv seen all the outfits, And iv got to say..bad and George's are so...them we all have black tuxes on, I have a green tie and a smile pin, George has googles on his head and a blue tie, Bad has a halo sticker on his cheek, props to Karl for choosing it out, he was so happy when bad agreed even though Bad referred to it as "a weird circle on his face" but then agreed it looks cool. Eret tho, they have a strawberry tie on, the classic. There was 20 minutes before the wedding, They asked Drista and Lani to be flowers girls, and I can say with a hundred percent certainty that they were astonished when Nick asked them. They asked Tommy and Tubbo to play the piano for the music, and then later they asked if Love-joy could preform, in which the band happily agreed to. I went over to a table where there were drinks, I searched for a orange juice and then Eret scoffed, " juice, we all know Apple is better" nahhhhh, for once I'd love to disagree. "It taste like piss Eret. How can anyone like it?" I made a disgusting face and they laughed "okay, okay fine whatever. But Pepsi is better than coke" if I was Tommy I'd- just them Tommy was behind me. What the?! "Okay, no. You're wrong Eret you bitch. Cokes the best" Eret smirked to Tommy "would you say you love coke better than the queen Tommy?" Tommy's face fell, and he looked lost in thought- "well, Lizzie's quite a catch and all, so..her and I will drink coke together! In fact I'll call right now to ask her" Tommy was really taking this bit seriously, Eret looked to Tommy with a resentful face, Tommy grabbing out his phone and dialing a number, there's no chance that- "Tommy! Why are you calling me? We're at the same place?'"
Tommy laughed and face palmed with a defeated whine.
"Oh man! C'mon Tubbo! I was trying to do something man, should've went along with it" Tubbo smiled slightly, "sorry!"
I took another sip of my orange juice, Turing away from the others convo and going to see sap

"Hey dude you ready?" I knew asking may not help defeat nerves but he looked..put together yet very nervous. Then suddenly, Drista walked in, "Nickkk you excited?" She smiled running up to us
"As ready as I'll ever be"
She nodded with a smile, "it's gonna be great, congrats again!"
He said thanks to her then she walked out..holding a...fork? Where the hell did she even- man people are confusing today. I looked back to Nick and he started talking, "After this, no more dreamnap jokes or Karl may kill you dreamy" I scoffed to him and shook my head, "yet Karl and George flirt all the time, they might as well have kissed or something"
(AHAHA- yeah uhm..I felt the need to add it in guys-Author)
Okayyy back to the story:D

he giggled, "yeah right, Anyways thanks for checking on me, I appreciate it pal"
"Anytime, now lets get you married!"

Karl's pov:

The music started to play, I was latched to my dads arm, him smiling. In the moment, he looked so proud. I walked to the beat of the piano playing, first I saw drista and Lani, lightly tossing flower petals, breath Karl. Just walk, say your vowels, kiss him and have fun with the people you love. I saw all my friends in a line, it made me realize that this was actually happening, I saw Jimmy giving a thumbs up, Nolan and Chandler smiling, then Chris who made a heart with his hands, they're the best.
But then I saw him.

Nick Armstrong, looking absolutely amazing, he was in a black suit
(guys I changed it last minute bc I have no idea how to write Someone in a dress?! I'm sorry :,))

And he had his orange bracelet on his rist, I had a matching one that was purple, he got them for us in the fourth grade after at a class field trip. It felt as if the world was in slow motion, I just now had realized that my dad had let go of my arm, and I was sorta across from sapnap. He was smiling to me, a smile that could make anything better in an instant.
The speaker began to say the usual, I had memorized my vows and began to say them.

"Nick, from the moment we met, I knew you'd be special to me, I could have never assumed how right I'd be, my life changed the day we met, I didn't just make a friend, I met my soulmate. You've completely changed my life and made a home in my heart, you're mine and I'm yours, throughout everything, it's been you thats got me through it all, I'd never want it to be other wise. I love you Nick Armstrong.

He had tears in his eyes, mine began watering as well as I spoke, he truly is special. And to think, it all happens because of a stupid bottle game. Sounds like a corny fan fiction or something. ;)

Sapnaps pov:

As he stood across from me, his fluffy hair with his purple bracket, purple tie and gray ocean eyes, I couldn't believe this was happening. His words, they all went to my heart, in each thing he said you could tell the truth behind it all. That's what made it a hundred times better, it's my turn for vows..I cleared my throat, preparing myself for this.

"Karl Thomas Jacobs, my whole world in three words. You're the reason my life's the way it is. My beautiful, angelic, jubilant mean more to me than you'll ever know, when we joked at young ages about our weddings, I'm sure we never expected this. But I always felt like I knew deep down how I felt when I first met you, I love you so, so much. You're truly Ineffable Karl. I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Karl had a tear running down his face, my hand went to wipe it away and he leaning his head into my hand, as the man said the long awaited words , "you may now kiss the groom." He tilted his head, us closing in for a quick, yet magical kiss, just like the first one. it gave me a sence of deja vu in a way. The best way possible. As we separated, there were cheers and everyone was clapping, they all looked so happy..
I looked over to the piano, I seen Tommy with tears in his eyes to, he had the most genuine smile I'd ever seen from him, Karl quickly smiled to me, letting go of my hand and going to hug Tommy, Tommy hesitated but in the end hugging back, I could hear him very faintly say how happy he was for Karl and I, I heard tubbo agreed and tell Karl congrats then point to me, you to sap!

We had danced the night away, all of our friends and all of our family around, well, Karl's family but nonetheless it was perfect. I will never forget this night. Karl and I had just cut the cake, now sitting down and he swiped some frosting on my nose "hey!" I took my finger, dipping it down and putting a dip on his nose, he let out a giggle which made me light up, in a way he was light a lantern, he makes a everything bad Go away, he brings light to my heart, making everything in me ignite into flames of love, it's such a strong feeling. This boy who I met when I was only 9, truly has changed my life for the better.


"And I never did forget that night" I looked over to Karl, and we shared a loving smile, then Someone caught our attention. "So, that's how you and dad started dating?" I smiled to the little girl, "yes sweetie, that's the story, now lets get you ready for bed, we have to visit uncle George and uncle Dreams tomorrow" Karl took her hand and put her to bed, I looked over to the windowsill, looking at the orange and yellow Calendulas that Karl had planted; they started to bloom, the only thing that sucks is I have always been allergic to those flowers.


Wc- 1550

A happily ever after for the two, Thankyou guys for reading, I love you guys, I hope you know how important you are. Hopefully you enjoyed Secret Lovers, till next time guys. <3

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