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//TW-blood mentions kinda// //TW-cursing//

Karls POV: "KARL, KARL" Everything after that was faint.. until I couldn't hear anything at all, then I blacked out.

1 Hour Later

Sapnap's POV: I was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital shaking trying my best not to cry when everyone came through the doors, they imminently engulfed me into a huge group hug once we all released from the hug I looked at all of them giving me sympathetic looks...it got a little silent..to silent "Is he okay I-I mean did they tell you anything yet" Tommy spoke, I was asking myself the same thing but for one of the first times I seen Tommy and he looked like shit. I mean we all do right about now, I have blood on my shirt from picking up Karl but I could care less right now.

"No....not yet Tommy" Everyones faces looked distraught again just like before "but im sure we will hear something soon.. I-I mean he has to be okay im sure of it" as if it was on cue the big double doors flung open "Nick Armstrong" the tall man stood before us with a small smile "Yes hi thats me" is karl okay. I need to know. "Is he okay" The room was quiet again god. the silence is so fucking loud why isn't he speaking "Ah yes, you are here for Karl Jacobs I assume, he'll be okay but he has a fractured ankle and multiple bruises on his torso and arms along with a alot of blood loss but we gave him many fluids, also when you are in there be very careful not to overwhelm him please its best that he is around a non chaotic environment as it could cause stress very easily for Mr Jacobs aswell as headaces due to his minor head injury" I Iooked at everyone then at the doctor I was still shaking like crazy but I knew Karl was okay now "I can go seem him now, right?" I saw the doctor look down at his papers on his clip board then back at everyone "Well yes the visitor limit is four but I will let you all figure that our amongst yourselfs also he is in room 247 have a good day guys" and with that he left

"Okay obviously Sapnap's going in who else" "well Tommy I think karl would like to see you in there" Tommy didn't know what I knew, what karl told me.

I myself don't know the full story all I know is Karl and Tommy are great friends so I think Tommy should go in but who else.. "Okay I think Tommy along with tubbo should go in and me but then whos the last person to go in?" I asked still knowing everyone probaly wanted to go in "ill let one of you guys go I can see Karl back at the house then we will go back home tommorow" Ranboo is so nice for that man "Okay guys he may be up right now swo somone has to go with us who will it be?" Were waiting time man then George spoke up "Ill go if thats okay" We all shook our heads then went to search for the room number he was in, after searching for at least two minuets we found the room number it read '247-Jacobs' I let out a shaky breath before looking at Tubbo who nodded and grew a small smile, I reached down and opened the door I saw Karl sitting up tracing the outline of his bracelet had got him awhile back and I couldn't help but run and give him the biggest hug ever "I missed you so much Karl" We stayed like that for what felt like forever. I hadn't realized how much I missed his touch and him. We pulled away and he looked exhausted It was very understandable I couldn't imagine what he has been through in the past day but there he was.

Right in front of me

Karl Jacobs, the most amazing person, my favorite person I love this man more than life its self I looked into those beautiful grey eyes of his, it was crazy his eyes turned from light green to grey alot and sometimes even a coffee brown I found that very cool though I didnt even realize I was staring at his face- "Sap your staring nimrod" My face grew wide with a tiny smile and giggle following behind with a smile while Karl flushed red.

Karls POV: There it was. That breathtaking smile and giggle I pulled him in for a kiss and It was amazing I pulled away after about 10 seconds to Sap burying his head in the crook of my neck "I missed you so much Jacobs your safe now I promise" Normally nobody could understand what he was saying but I could hear every word of it and it made me smile harder than I was before who knew a person could make me this happy He lifted his head up from my chest and leaned close to me. He gently kissed my forehead then he turned away "Hey guys you can come in now" guys? who was it oh! maybe Tommy Niki maybe hmm oh Dream maybe

The door slowly opened and to my surprise I was kind of right I saw Tommy, Tubbo and George "Ello Karl how are you big man" I let out a tiny laugh at how British he sounded when he said that haha I seen Tubbo peak behind the tall child and give a bright smile along with a tiny wave, then there was George he ran up to hug me I sqeezed him tightly then let go "I missed you Karl"

"I missed you to gogy but man Sap why did you have to bring all the british ones" Obviously I was only kidding I loved then all very much but I still gave an evil smirk then tommy slapped his hand on his chest and fake sighed "Ouch big man that hurt I was going to say I missed you but I take it back" "Okay fine I was kidding I missed you to Tubbo"

"Are we going to hug you nimrods or did you just come to stare at me" They all let out a short laugh then engulphed me in a group hug "Im so happy you are alright Big K"

"I second that" Tommy and tubbo said

Im sorry this chapter is poorly written but I felt like I should end the chapter here dont worry though next chapter will be a fluff one :) also I wanted to say Im very uncomfortable righting smut but I hope you all are doing good <3

Take care of your selfs, much love-Alexis

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