Chapter Nineteen

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~Chapter Nineteen~


My eyes were swollen red from crying but no more tears where coming out. This is what shock must feel like...and it's horrible. My body felt like it was numb, my throat felt like I swallowed razors, my heart was gone..I swore it was.

"Com'on baby. Lets go home." My dad put his arm around my mom after helping her off the floor.

It was only minutes ago the doctor told us James had...died..and he wanted to go home?!

"Demi?!" Louis voice broke through the hospital doors.

I turned to see his white face and bloodshot eyes close to mine, "Hi," he whispered softly, pulling me to him, "Im here. I'm here."

"Mr. and Mrs. Matthews..I'm..I'm so sorry for your loss," Louis' mom places her hand softly on my mothers shoulder, "If there's anything I could do t-"

"You could take her home." My mom said dryly, glaring in my direction.

I stepped out of Louis grasp but held his hand so he could still be near me, "M-Mom..what are you talking about?" My voice sounded so weak from all the crying, I was surprised she heard me.

"If it weren't for you James wouldn't be dead! I don't want you in my house!"

My heart must have still been there because I felt it shatter. How could she think that? I mean..she was..she was right.

"None of this is Demi's fault!" Louis said, gripping my hand and pulling me to him.

"You stay out of this! There's a lot of emotions running through this night. The last thing we need is her making it worse." It was my dads turn to glare at me.

Louis defensively stepped in front of me but kept his hand firmly in mine, "Then you don't deserve her. At all."

"Louis!" Mrs. Tomlinson cleared her throat then looked at my dad, "Of course she can stay with us. But I will say one thing, Demi did not cause the accident. This was NOT her fault."

My parents both glared at all of us one last time before turning and walking out of the hospital.

Little did I know that things would never be the same with them..they walked out on me for good.


I didn't get any sleep after my date with Harry. There was so much going through my head and my recurring flashbacks while I tried to rest never helped.

Work and it went as slowly as any Friday could. But that was just was Friday. And friday was the night we were all going to Andrea and Niall's..which meant two things:

1.) Louis. I could see him, talk to him, be around him, without Eleanor being anywhere near him. And 2.) Harry. He would defiantly be there..wanting to talk about or date and that kiss..while I would be trying to avoid even thinking about it.

So here was the question..Do I go or fake an illness and stay home?

And the answer was simple: I go. Louis won, he always did.

I sighed loudly to myself as I climbed into my car and headed over. This night was going to be all kinds of crazy..I just knew it.

I finally pulled into Niall's driveway and headed inside. No need to knock because the door was wide open as usual when they had company.


"Demi!" Louis jumped up from behind the couch and ran to me, "You're here yay!"

"Are you drunk already Lou?" My heart was already racing at a hundred miles and I couldn't make it stop.

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