Chapter Ten

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~Chapter Ten~

After Harry dropped me off at my place, I knew I needed someone to talk to. It was hard holding all this hurt me so much.

Normally, since he was my next closest friend, I would have called Niall, but he was at his rehearsal for the under the stars performance. My next option was Andrea..and I was happy. Girl time was something I didn't have to often, so having the chance was something I would take.

I picked up my phone and sent her a quick text: 'Hey, is it alright if I come over? I really need to talk to someone.'

Within the minute Andrea replied, 'Of course! I've got ice-cream and cookies;)'

Yep. I defiantly loved her, that's for sure.


"Hey Demi! Come on in!" Andrea greeted me with a hug, "How are you?"

"Hi Drea..I'm..good...okay that was a lie I'm horrible."

"What? Why? Come sit down!" She lead me to her living room couch and patted the seat next to her. Her hazel eyes were wide with worry and her big lips were pressed in, waiting for me to begin. Even when she was wearing no make-up, with her hair in a bun and sweats on, she still looked flawless. I felt like a troll next to her.

"Dem? What's up?" She spoke up, breaking my thoughts.

"Okay..well.." I sighed long and took another deep breath, "You know that I'm in love with Louis and..and just..seeing him with Eleanor is breaking me. It literally hurts my heart Andrea and I just don't know what to do anymore! Every time I'm with him I'm reminded about how long I've loved him and the memories we've shared together and it makes it that much worse! I just don't know what to do."

Andrea sighed and took my hands, "Can I be honest with you?"

I nodded and swallowed hard trying not to cry.

"Demi, the way Louis looks at Eleanor..he defiantly likes her."


"But the way he looks at THAT'S love."

My heart began to beat fast and I looked up at her, "Wha-what do you mean?"

"Have you noticed the way Niall and I act around each other? When we see each other walk into the room for the first time? Or when we look into each others eyes randomly?"

Yes. Everyone noticed. It was like they had never seen each other before, like at each moment they had just met..and it was love at first sight.

"Demi..that's how it is with you and Louis."

For moment I processed everything..everything she had said. It didnt seem could i not have seen it? What was with me and not noticing things?

"Are..are you sure?"


"Well..should I talk to him?"

"I don't want to be careful Demi. He might not even realize that he has those feelings for you. But they are defiantly there."

"Then what do I do?"

"You make him realize it."


"By mak-"


Andrea looked up towards the door with a confused face, "I wonder who that is..ill be right back..probably some Girl Scout or something..."

I smiled and let her go, still thinking about what said. If this was true, then I defiantly wasn't giving up. No matter how long it takes, I would make him realize what Andrea had seen.

"OH MY GOSH WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" I heard her scream from the front door.

I ran to find her, "Andrea is everything okay!?"

When I approached the door I saw her smiling, jumping up and down.

"Demi, this is Sabrina! She's my best friend from back home!"

I glanced over at a tiny girl with auburn brown hair. She had full lips, green eyes, and a perfect figure, it went well with how short she was. She was cute, adorable even. Her smile brightened, "Hi! It's so nice to meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you too!" I smiled back and shook her hand.

"Come in! What are you doing here?" Andrea asked excitedly, helping Sabrina with her bags.

"Well, I've been saving up and I don't start school for two months so I thought, why not visit my bestie? It's been almost eight months since I saw you and I couldn't take it anymore!"

"I can't believe this! I'm so excited we can do so much together and.." Andreas voice became distant as I began to remember when I moved closer to Louis after he had moved was only a few weeks after, about six, but I needed him..with every part of me..


"Demi! I'm so glad you called! I miss you." Louis voice swept through the ear piece of my phone as I smiled.

"I miss you too Lou.."

"So, how is everything? How are you?" I heard him get serious, the way he always did when he wanted to know if I was okay.

"I'm great!"

"You're lying."

"..I hate how well you know me sometimes."

"We've been best friends since first grade. That was twelve years ago. I know you more that you know yourself sometimes."

"Yeah, I know..creeper."

"Hey! I'm allowed to creep on my best friend okay?!"

"Whatever you say Tomlinson." I smiled again, knowing he was doing the same on the other side of the phone.

"So what's up? Talk to me."

I sighed, "My parents haven't been home..and college doesn't start for me until next year..I just get lonely is all."

"You know your parents piss me the fuck of sometimes."


"Sorry. But it's the truth."

"I know..but it's not like it's the first time they've left."

Louis was quiet for a while, "Why don't you move out here? There's an apartment for sale close to Niall's and we could hangout every chance we get. I miss you so much and it's closer to your college anyways..what do you say?"



"I thought you'd never ask. Turn around."

I smiled as I saw Louis turn from the bench he was sitting on at the park. His eyes got wide and smile grew big as he ran to me and hugged me tight.

"You're the best." He whispered before pulling away. "This is going to be great."


I really got to know Sabrina well as she, Andrea, and I ate junk food and talked about the most random things. It was fun, and for a second there I got my mind off of Louis, but it came back fast.

'The way Louis looks at THAT'S love.'

Was it?

I didn't know for sure..but I was going to find out.


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