Chapter Twelve

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~Chapter Twelve~

"So are you gonna tell me where we are going?" I eyed my best friend from the passenger seat after we had been driving for what seemed like forever.

"Well then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" Louis replied, patting my knee. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. I couldn't help but to notice how handsome he looked today. He had on a light blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, framing his arms perfectly. The color also brought out his eyes, which I couldn't stop gazing into whenever he looked at me.

" least lets turn on the radio then." I reached over and turned up the radio, just in time for "What makes you beautiful" to begin.

"Oh my gosh this is perfect!" I laughed and began to sing out, "YOU'RE INSECURE! DON'T KNOW WHAT FOR!"


I laughed and looked at him for a while, "I miss this." I whispered quietly and looked away.

"What's going on with you and Harry?" Louis said as he turned the radio down. For a second I didn't answer, debating in whether or not I should stick to this 'getting Louis jealous' thing. But I decided to tell the truth.

"Honestly? I don't know. I mean, I know he has feelings for me..and I defiantly have something for him..I just don't know if it's feelings yet."

"But theres defiantly something?"

"I think so, yes."

"Hm." Louis' grip on the steering wheel tightened.




"Why what?"

"Why do you want to know? Truthfully."

"We're here."

Louis stopped the car and climbed out. I sighed and unbuckled my seat belt, climbing out too.

I smoothed out my dress and looked up to Louis who had a big smile on his face, "Do you remember?"

I looked around me and began to smile just as big as him, "Of course I do. How could I forget?"


My eyes stung with tears as I walked into my empty house. This is the fourth time since...the accident...that I've come home and my parents were no where to be found. Sometimes they would be gone for an hour, sometimes they would be gone for days. And when they came home, it was as if nothing happened, like they were there all along.

It was hard to be alone, especially since the biggest part of me was now gone, only six months ago.

I walked to the kitchen and opened the pantry to see it empty, as well as the refrigerator. My stomach growled as I pulled out a glass and poured myself water, dialing Louis number from my phone.

"Hey love!" His cheerful voice answered, causing me to smile for the first time today.

"Hi Lou. you think you could bring me something to eat? parents aren't here..they forgot to buy food..." My voice trailed off so I could hide how embarrassing this was. I hated asking people for things, especially my best friend.

"I'll be over in thirty minutes." With that Louis hung up the phone and twenty-nine minutes later appeared at my front door.

I opened it to see him standing there with a picnic basket in his hands, "Com'on, lets go."

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