Chapter Twenty-Four

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~Chapter Twenty-Four~

Harry's eyebrows raised as he waited for me to begin talking.

I was ready to tell him everything...the way I felt about Louis, the way I felt about him, and what exactly happened last night.

But as soon as I opened my mouth, It's like I became mute. I was so scared to tell him because as of now, he was practically my only close friend.

There was Andrea and Niall who both probably hated me for the same reason..there was Liam who was annoyed at me for butting into his life even though he didn't show it, there was Zayn and Sabrina who had no idea what was going on so they most likely thought I was the biggest bitch in the world for doing what I did to Andrea. And then there was Louis..well I don't really have to explain that one now do I?

I knew I had to tell Harry..but I didn't have to tell him this second..I wanted to hold on to all I had left for just a little longer.

"Uhm..why don't I make us lunch first?" I stood and made my way to the kitchen, feeling Harry follow behind.

"Sure but can I cook? I love to do it and I'd love to do it for you." He smiled and waited for my nod before he rummaged through the refrigerator.

"Where did you learn to cook?"

"My mom taught me..and I did it a lot for Niall before he met Andrea, now she takes care of him."

I sat down at the small island and watched as he effortlessly began to make lunch. I don't even know what it was he was making but it already looked delicious.

"So..why were you sick? I mean what were you feeling?"

"Honestly? Just exhausted. I haven't been getting much sleep lately, there's been a lot on my mind."


"Well I miss my family, so them."

"Me? Oh.." This was horrible. I hated myself so much.

"Well, yeah. It's pretty hard not to think about're amazing." He grinned and looked back at what he was cooking.

Okay, I couldn't hold it in any longer. I couldn't do this to him anymore..enough was enough.

"On second thought Harry..why don't we just talk right now?" I stood and grabbed his hand, bringing him back to the couch.

"Okay..what's up?"

"Harry..Im in love with Louis." There. I finally said it. And it felt amazing to finally get it off my chest. But that feeling changed when I saw the expression on Harry's face.

"Oh.." He looked so hurt and confused as tears filled his eyes, " long?"

"A couple years. And I've tried SO hard Harry to move past him but I just..I cant. So that leads into what happened last night. I told Louis I can't be around him anymore..he has no idea why though."

I managed to get myself to look at Harry again, who was waiting for me to continue about the story of last night. And I did. I told him everything from the moment I walked in to when I sped off leaving Louis in the dust.

" told everyone Andrea was pregnant when she asked you not to..and Niall didn't even told your best friend you don't want to see him again..and you told Liam to stay away from Sabrina?"

Wow. I definitely was a bitch wasn't I?"

"Yes..I did..I know I'm horrible." I put my head in my hands and sighed.

"You know what I don't understand?!" Harry's voice was angry all of a sudden, causing me to jump and look up, "How you could yell at Liam for playing Sabrina when you were doing the SAME exact thing to me!"

Yes he was angry..and he had every right to be.

"Harry I..I didn't even realize that. I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize to me it's not even worth it. You didn't realize it because you were so caught up in Louis that you couldn't see straight." He stood and walked to the kitchen, turning off the stove.

I sat there silently. I knew this was going to was everything I feared. I was losing the only friend I had left.

"You're right. And I know he'll never love me. And Harry when I say this I mean it, I thought there was something between us and that's why I tried." I got up and slowly walked to the kitchen where he stood with his head down and hands on the counter.

"Demi, I get that. But you should have stopped when you realized the feelings might not have been real. You know what? Like you said to Liam, you should have stopped when your feelings for Louis were resolved."

He was right..about everything. I felt so stupid. Why was I always so stupid when it came to Louis?

"I think I should go now." Harry said softly as he walked past me and to the door, "Lunch is done if you're still hungry."

"Harry wait!" I felt my heart lift when he stopped and turned, "Harry I really am sorry. I'm so sorry."

He studied my face and walked over to me, "It's okay." His arms wrapped around me as sighed, "But I need to go..I can't really be around here right now."

"Okay." I pulled away and smiled softly, "Are we still friends?"

"Of course." He whispered, then turned and left.

I felt relief. Relief that I finally told him..relief that he was still my friend..and as bad as it sounds, relief that he had left lunch behind because all this crying sure makes someone hungry.

I sat down and began to eat when my phone rang and smiled when I saw it was Harry.




"Im going to help you."

"Help with what exactly?" I chucked and stuffed my face with more good waiting for his answer.

"You and Louis get together of course! There's no doubt that he has feelings for you too you know. I've just..I've never really noticed until I really thought about it."

I heard the sound of cars whip past him as he sighed, "And I want you to be happy. I like seeing you smile, you have a beautiful smile did you know that?"

"Harry, you're amazing. Thank you." I smiled and felt my heart fill with joy.

"Okay so here's what we are going to do, We need to pretend like-"

Suddenly the line went silent.

"Harry?" My heart started to race when I heard nothing but static, "Harry!"

But there was no reply.

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