Chapter Eighteen

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~Chapter Eighteen~

"Com'on! You can do it!"

"I just hate the taste Harry!"

"It's fun I promise and the taste will be gone before you know it."

"But..but I-"


"No! Ha-"


"AGH!" I picked up the shot glass that was in front of me and swallowed it down, making me cough by the burn trickling down my throat.

"Well?" Harry's big green eyes gleamed with excitement after I put the glass back down on the table.

"It tasted horrible."


"But it was fun." I had to admit. Everything about tonight was fun...It's like we clicked.

"I knew it!"

I smiled and looked down at my hands, suddenly really nervous. The last REAL date I went on was...right before know. After that my idea of a date would be making-out behind the bleachers with my boyfriend of the week.

"Demi?" I looked up at Harry who smiled and grabbed my hand, "Thanks for coming tonight."

I blushed and cleared my throat, "So..have you talked to Liam lately?"

"Yes..why?" A sly smile can across Harry's face, "Are you asking for Sabrina?"

I gasped so loud I swear everyone in the restaurant turned and looked. I clamped my hand over my mouth as Harry laughed.

"It's not funny!" I said, trying to hide my smile but failed, "but yes, I am. What's going on with them?"

"Well..Liam really likes her. A lot. But..he's just not over Danielle's only been a couple of weeks and it hit him pretty hard."

"So for now he's just going to be leading Sabrina on?" I know I should've been sad for Liam..and I was, he was one of my closest friends..but Sabrina was also a good friend of mine and I couldn't let this slide.

"Well I wouldn't say that.." Harry let out a laugh, "He-"

"Then what would you say?""


"You know what? Im sick of guys doing that! They send you these signs so you think you might have a chance with them and right when you're about to say how you feel, BAM!" I slammed my hand on the table causing Harry to jump, "They get a girlfriend and fall in love so and it tears you apart! Like literally you feel like your heart is being torn and there's nothing you can do about it..and..and.." I looked up at Harry who was now wide eyed and holding his breath.

"And now you think I'm crazy." I let out a sigh and pulled my hand away from him.

"No! No, not crazy..just..okay yeah crazy." His mouth twitched a little, "but that's okay. I like crazy."

Wow..he really was a smooth talker wasn't he? I smiled to myself and glanced down at my watch, "Holy crap it's eleven-forty! I have work tomorrow!"

"Shit really?!" Harry looked at his own watch and motioned for the check, "I have rehearsal in like eight hours."

"I would love to be able to sing and dance around for a job! No complaining for you mister."

"It's more than that!" He finished signing the check and stood, "It''s all about the passion."

"What do you-"

"Excuse me, sir?" The tiny blonde waitress handed Harry a pen and paper, "Im so sorry to bother you, but my niece would love if I brought her an autograph from you."

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