Chapter Nine

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~Chapter Nine~

"And then I was like, "No. That shirt looks totally weird on me! No way!" and Louis was like, "I'm sure it looks beautiful on you!" and I was like, "Ew, it so does not!" And get this Demi," Eleanor leaned in to make herself more heard, even though I'm sure the whole restaurant could hear her anyways, "he goes, "No, that's impossible. You always look beautiful." Ohmigosh it was so sweet! Soooo sweet! Isn't that sweet?"

"So sweet!" I clapped my hands together and jumped up and down in my seat.

I heard Harry chuckle, noticing my sarcastic reply, but Eleanor didn't seem to notice at all.

"I KNOW! He is so amazing! You're so amazing!" She turned to Louis and smiled.

"What? Oh..thanks." Louis shook his head out of whatever daze he was in.

"So speaking of cuuutteeeneess," Eleanor sang out, "Does everyone remember their first kiss?"

I froze and bit my lip, looking to her then back to Louis. His face was brightened and a small smile appeared on his face.


"So, guess who got asked to prom?" I eyed my best friend Louis as we sat on my bed.


"Francis Garfield."

He looked up from the book he was reading with wide eyes, "FRAN?! How? Who asked her?"

"Some senior boy named Tom or something... " My voice trailed off to hide my jealousy.

"I'm sure all he wants is to get in her pants. She's an easy target." He implied, chuckling to himself.

"Yeah....I mean they even kissed already.."

Louis laughed and wrinkled his eyebrows, "Are you jealous of Fran?"

"No...yes..I mean...I know it's not a big deal I just...Louis I'm sixteen and I haven't been on a date or even had my first kiss.. I don't know, maybe I'm not good enough or beautiful eno-"

Suddenly I felt his lips press gently against mine, causing my heart to warm up in so many ways. It was soft, gentle even, it was perfect.

"What was that for?" I asked once he pulled away.

"Well we're best friends, why not share our first kiss together?" He smiled and stood, walking towards my door, "I'm going to grab some water, do you want anything?"

I just shook my head, unable to speak.

"By the way Demi, you are more than good enough...and you are more than just beautiful. Never forget that." He smiled and walked out of my room.

That was the moment, three years ago, that I realized I was in love with my best friend.


I broke myself from my daydream before any of the rest could, "Yeah, I remember..but it was so long ago the details are pretty hazy.." I could feel Louis staring at me, making me even more nervous.

"Same here." Louis agreed, along with a nod from Harry.

"Well what I really want to know is when you and Harry figured out you liked each other?" Eleanor questioned.

Harry blushed and looked away, "I've kind of always liked her...since we first met actually.."

"Really?" I looked up at him shocked.

I mean..a whole year and he's just now telling me? Why have I never noticed before? I looked up and my eyes fixed on Louis.

Oh yeah, that's why.

"What about you Demi? When did you first start liking Harry?" Eleanor questioned.

Suddenly all eyes were on me.

"I.. I guess it sort of just happened.." I swallowed hard, hoping that would pass by.

It did for Harry, who blushed, and for Eleanor, who smiled and began rambling on about how adorable it was and how she always knows when people have a connection.

But Louis, he knew me. He knew me well enough to tell if I was lying. His eyes were stuck on me. My words didn't faze him in the least bit.


"Why aren't you talking to me?" Louis asked quietly over the phone.

"What are you talking about Lou? We've been talking for the past hour!" I giggled, trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"No. I mean really talking. I..I know your thinking about him and that it's bothering you..please just talk to will make you feel better."

"Louis..I cant."

"But I can help you. I want to help you. I hate seeing you so sad." His voice got soft and quiet, as if he was going to cry soon.

"It's just so hard." I felt tears of my own fill up my eyes.

"I know. But you can't hold it in forever."

"I'll be fine. I'm okay." I lied.

"No, you're not."

He knew.

"Louis, when I talk about it, I begin to hate myself more and more every day for what I.."

"What you said?"

"Yes." I barely whispered, surprised he even heard me.

"You can't hate yourself. You were only fourteen. You didn't know what you were saying."

"I can't believe it's been two years already." I couldn't help my voice crack this time, I couldn't hold it in.

"I know.. me either.. do you want me to come over? Where are your parents?"

"Gone...they've been gone since yesterday."

"You've're home alone? Why the hell are you....ill be right over."

"Wait, Lou?"


"Thank you."


"Demi? Are you okay?" Harry's voice broke my trance, but I focused on Louis.

"Do you remember the first time you came over after..." I swallowed hard, not wanting to finish the sentence.

He smiled lightly, "Of course I do."

"I'll never forget that." I said, feeling tears trickle down my cheeks.

For a minute we all sat there in silence.

Finally Harry spoke up, "Well we should be getting these girls home, we have rehearsal in an hour Lou."

"Why so late?" Eleanor asked as we all climbed out of the booth.

"We are doing this 'under the stars thing' soon and..." Harry's voice became distant as Louis came closer to me.

"Are you going to be okay?" He whispered, looking into my eyes.

It was weird, no matter how much it seemed like he hated me, he was still made it clear that he was there for me.

I opened my mouth to say something when Harry turned around, "Ready love?"

I nodded and looked to Louis, "I'll call you?"



"I'll never forget that night either."


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