Chapter Eleven

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~Chapter Eleven~

I was dreading this day. I decided to just stay in bed and hope for the best. Hope that I could be alone and not have to be around any one. Hope that no one would remember and try to contact me...

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Louis' voice made my eyes shoot open along with a groan that escaped my lips.

Yep, it was my birthday.

"Louis just let me be! I don't want to get out of bed today." I said, pulling the covers over my face.

"'re turning twenty-one! We have to celebrate!"

"Louis, how do you manage to always get in my house?"

"I'm your best friend. I have like ten spare keys."


"Now get up!"

I peeked my head from the covers, "On one condition. I don't see anyone else today."

"Demi, Ive got the whole day planned. And it's just me and you."

My heart fluttered and I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face as I rose out if bed, "Promise?"

"Sure." Louis' smile became mischievous.


"What!? Go get ready!"

I sighed loudly and went into my closet, "What do I even wear?"

"Something nice but casual too."

"Louis you might as well just come pick my outfit. You have a better fashion sense then I do anyways."

"True." I heard Louis step behind me, "Lets see here...what about this one?"

"Louis that is not casual!"

"Sure it is. Put it on."

He shoved a light purple dress into my face. I rolled my eyes and waited for him to walk out. The things I did for this boy.


"No! It's not going to work and I'm going to get caught!" I loudly whispered to Louis over the phone while trying not to wake my baby brother who had fallen asleep in my bed.

"Please Dem? I can't go on this date unless I bring someone for her cousin. And you're the only one I want to come with me."

"Ugh. Why do we have to go anyways? We're only thirteen, that's too young to date."

"Fine Mrs. Goody-Goody, whatever you say."

"I am not a goody-goody!"

"Then come outside already!"

My eyes glanced to the clock that read 11:37pm. Yeah, this would get me grounded for sure.


"Alright! Okay! I'm coming."

I hung up the phone and began to pull some jeans on when I heard a small voice, "Demi?"

"James, go back to sleep."

My baby brother sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes, "Where are you going?"

"Go back to sleep James, ill be home soon. Just don't say anything to mom and'll be our little secret, okay?"

He nodded sleepily, "Okay."

I turned to leave. When his voice stopped me again, "Demi?"

"Yes James?"

"Be careful. I love you."

I smiled and walked over to kiss him on the cheek, "I love you too. Goodnight bubba."

He smiled at the nickname I rarely called him and curled back under the covers.

These were the moments I missed the most.


Before I could let my emotions take over me, I started to pull the dress Louis picked out over my head. I hadn't worn this dress in so long, not since my aunts wedding. It held a lot of memories, and I knew it was going to hold new ones, very soon.

*Louis' POV*

Today was going to be amazing. I could feel it. I loved Demi so much, she was my best friend after all, and that's why this day was going to be special. I looked over to the closet to see if she had finished changing...she hadn't. And for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I mean I've seen her in her under clothes before, we were comfortable with each other, but this was different...I just didn't know why..


I shook my head out of my thoughts and looked up at her. She looked beautiful. The purple dress I picked out was strapless and hugged her curves, letting her long legs show. Her wavy light brown hair fell almost down to her waist with a few pieces framing her face, bringing out her beautiful blue eyes.

"You look so beautiful." The words slipped before I could stop them. I could've sworn I saw her blush...but it probably was just imagination.

*Demi's POV*

"You look so beautiful." Louis said lightly after I stepped out.

He had never said that to me before, at least not in that way...

"Thanks Lou." I tried to hide my blush as I grabbed my purse, "So, should we be on our way?"

"Oh so now you're excited?" Louis cocked his eyebrow and turned to lead me out the door.

"This better be worth it Tomlinson." I groaned as I shut the door behind me.

"Trust me. It will be." Louis smiled and grabbed my hand.

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