Chapter Fourteen

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~Chapter Fourteen~


I closed my eyes tight and opened them again hoping that this was all just a dream, but it wasn't. It never was for me unfortunately. All my nightmares...they were real..and they were always right in front of me.

This all started soon after my brother died. It was as if both of my parents died with him and all that was left was their bodies taken over by people I have never met before. They were lost, helpless, and didn't love me anymore. No matter how hard I tried to get them to, they never did.

"I says geeet owtt of my hose!" My mom yelled..or tried to yell, once again at me.

"Mom, please don't do this. You're drunk. Lets get you both to bed, okay?" I pleaded with her. But I knew I wouldn't win. Today was the fourth year anniversary of James death, and every year was the same; remember James: get drunk. It was the stupidest logic, but it worked for them.

"Dos not talk to you moms thaats way." It was dads turn to slur.

I didn't expect it, but he slapped me. Hard. I flew back into the floor and quickly tried to pick myself up to act as if that it didn't hurt, even though my eye was now throbbing.

I couldn't take this anymore. I had to get out. Tears streamed down my face as I ran up to my room and packed my things. I didn't know where I was going to stay or go, but I didn't care.

Walking downstairs I saw my dad already passed out on the couch and my mom hovering over him with her arms crossed, "Are you finally taking my advice?"

My eyes grew wide when I noticed she wasn't drunk at all, this was all just another game.

"Why are you doing this?"

"You know why."

" wasn't my fault." I could barely get the words out. She always blamed me for James' death, no matter how many times I tried to tell her..beg her to believe me..that none of it was my fault..but I was starting to think it was now..

"You know what you did. Now, get out of my house." My mom spat at me once more. I tried to look into her eyes, but she was gone. Long gone.

I grabbed my bags and began to walk out, hoping that my mom would break out in laughter and yell, "Just kidding!"

But all I heard was silence.

I got to the door and turned to look at her again, "I'm sorry I disappointed you."

She chuckled and walked over to me, "You did more than that. You are worthless to me. Get out."

I froze for a second then turned back around and walked out of that house forever. It was the last time I spoke to my parents.


"Hello?" My moms voice broke me from my thoughts. I swallowed hard and opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"Demi, who is that?" Louis said. I looked up at him to see worry drawn all over his face. Then I noticed everyone at the table looking at me with the same expression.

I shook my head and stood up, running outside.

I started to feel queasy and began to breathe hard. Whenever I thought about these things, this is what happened. I felt trapped..trapped in my past and unable to connect to the present.

"De- Oh my gosh are you okay? Demi?" I heard Louis run to my side as he grabbed me and pulled me into his arms, "'s okay."

"I'm sorry..I'm sorry." I said as I calmed myself down.

"It was your mom wasn't it?"

"Both of them."

"Give me your phone."


Before I could protest he grabbed my phone, "Hello? Mrs. Matthews? Please don't call Demi again. She's not ready talk to you guys. You know you really hurt her? You are not a good mom or dad. A good mom or dad would love her with everything they are," his eyes connected with mine, "she deserves love, comfort, happiness, and to know how amazing she is. Actually she's more than amazing. She's perfect. And I'm sorry you can't see that. Goodbye."

He hung the phone up and smiled at me. That beautiful smile I loved so much...

"Louis did you really mean that?" I asked breathlessly.

"Mean what?"

"Every thing you just said to my mom."

"I meant every word of it and more."

I could feel the words starting to come out as he stepped closer to me. Here we's finally time.. "Louis I need to tell you som-"

"Hey guys?"

What was with Eleanor interrupting moments like this? Was she a freaking witch or something? Did she have powers I didn't know about? I mean what the hell!

"Sorry to interrupt but um Louis, I just got a call from work...they want me to come in to do a photo shoot about puppies or something..ill catch you later?" She stood on her tippy toes and kissed Louis on the cheek, "Sorry I couldn't stay Demi, but Happy Birthday!" She hugged me an began to walk off.

Finally, alone time with Louis.

"Bye baby, I love you!" Louis called out as she climbed into a cab.

Yep. You heard that right. 'I love you.'

My whole body froze as I realized that the love of my life was in love with somebody else.

"Dem? Was there something you wanted to tell me?"

I turned to Louis who was eyeing me suspiciously.

"You know what? I just want to have fun tonight." With that I tuned and walked into the club. I saw that there were a couple drinks on our table and I picked them up one by one and chugged them down.

"Whoa, Demi be careful there, you're gonna get wasted!" Nialls voice said from somewhere around me as I already began to feel dizzy.

I somehow found Harry in the blurr, "Harry? I want to dance. With you. Right now." Before he could answer I pulled him on the dance floor.

"What's gotten into you?" Harry chucked as he slowed us down a bit.

"Demi are you sure your alright?" Louis voice said from behind me, but my eyes stayed on Harry.

"You know, you're a great dancer." I leaned in and whispered into Harry's ear.

His face grew red as he smiled, "Thanks you too Demi."

"Demi, you've had a lot to drink, come relax for a while." Once again Louis voice lingered from behind me.

Before anything else could happen, I kissed Harry then and there. It wasn't at all like I suspected. I liked it. I didn't love it, but I liked it. He kissed me back and when we pulled away I turned to Louis who was still standing behind us with wide eyes.

"More drinks!" I yelled and ran back to the table to chug down anything else I could find.

That was all I could remember after that.

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