Chapter Four

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~Chapter Four~


"NO! NO, PLEASE GOD NO!" My moms screams were muffled but well heard as my dad held her in the middle of the hospital waiting room. His eyes were bloodshot red as he rocked her back and forth, trying to be strong.

My whole body was numb..I couldn't move even if I tried. I started to shake remembering the last words I said to him...

"Just get out of my life already!"

I let out a sob thinking about how he had done exactly that...I could never take back those words....


I shot up out of bed breathing heavy as sweat dripped down the side of my temple.

My hand shook as I turned my alarm clock off. This was the third time throughout my 'sleep' tonight that I woke up this way.

Usually Louis was with me in times like this...all I would have to do was call him, and he'd be over within the hour to sing me to sleep.

It was defiantly hard getting out of bed after last night. Harry and I didn't do anything..anything at all actually. He simply dropped me off, wishing me a good night, and that was all. But once I tried to sleep all I could think about was Louis and the way he had his arm around Eleanor...the way he looked at me when I told him I wanted to kiss Harry...the way I felt when he said he didn't care. And the nightmare I had certainly didn't help never did.

I hated that dream. It happened almost every night...different pieces of that memory would linger into my mind causing me restless sleep.

I shook my head and stood, walking into my closet to get ready for work, which I did not want to do, but seeing it how the heat was turned off in my apartment, I knew I needed to. And it would be a distraction from my dreams. The last thing I needed to do was think about that horrible nightmares reminded me enough.


Like I predicted, work sucked.

"Here you go ma'am, one low-fat Carmel Late." I smiled handing the drink to a blonde woman sitting at a table, texting on her phone. She grunted in response, not once looking up at me.

"Uhm, excuse me?" I heard her say right as I turned to leave.

"Yes ma-am?"

"This is very hot." The girl picked up her drink and held it out, brown eyes piercing through me.

"Well its a Late ma'am, they're supposed to be hot."

"Well, I don't like it hot. Put two ice cubes in it. Thank you."

I closed my eyes and forced my best smile, "My pleasure, ma'am."

"And can you stop calling me ma'am? What do I look, forty? Ugh. So rude."

"Sure, I'm sorry." I said through my teeth, grabbing the drink from her and walking to the back.

I placed two ice-cubes inside and stared at the open cup. She wouldn't even notice if I....

"Demi, don't you dare!" I jumped and turned to see one of my co-workers smiling at me, like she had just caught me.

"Andrea! You're feeling better!" I blushed and pushed the drink behind my back, trying to cover what I had almost done.

Andrea and I have known each other for a few months, I met her through Niall and she helped me get a job here when I needed one. She was very pretty..beautiful actually. Her long straight brown hair made her skin glow. She had plump lips and beautiful hazel-green eyes. I was defiantly jealous, that's for sure.

She put her hand on her hip and smirked, "Don't try to change the subject missy, I saw what you almost just did."

"...She was a bitch okay?!" I laughed as I turned to put the lid on the cup.

"Hey, it's not like we all haven't done it before." She giggled and walked beside me, "So are you coming tonight? For the annual video-game day?" Her eyes lit up in excitement.

She and Niall were so much alike it scared me. Every month they held a night back at their place where everyone would come over and play games, it was always fun.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it!"

"Good! So that means you, Harry, Liam, Dani, Louis and Eleanor. I still need to check with Zayn though..."

"Eleanors coming?" I asked without thinking. I suspected Andrea knew about my feelings towards Louis, being Nialls girlfriend and seeing how he sucked at keeping secrets for too long. I don't even know why I ever told him...

"Yes...I felt bad and gave in when he asked if she could come...I'm sorry! For the record though, Niall tried to get her out of it."

That's why.

"Don't worry about it Drea, I'll be fine..I'll just hangout with Harry or something."

Her eyes got wide and her mouth dropped, "You and Harry?! Ohmygosh that's so cute!"

I blushed a little and looked away. This wasn't lying..was it? I mean I never said I had feelings for Harry, she came up with that herself.

"Waitress!" I heard the blondes voice call from behind me.

I rolled my eyes, "Duty calls. I'll see you tonight."

Andrea nodded and went back to work. I walked out towards the table to deliver the drink, and I couldn't help but to think how bad my night was going to be seeing Louis with Eleanor again.

"Great now my drinks cold. Go warm it up. God, the service here sucks."

Yep, it was going to be a long day.

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