Chapter Sixteen

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~Chapter Sixteen

I called off of work for being sick, which was half true. My head was still aching but I could clearly see for the first time this morning. The other reason I called off was to spend the day with Harry. He and I had talked about what we would do and laser quest sparked his interest the most.

But as I walked into my closet to change, I couldn't stop thinking about Louis. It was frustrating. Why couldn't I get through my head that..that it WASN'T going to happen. No matter how much I wanted it to.. I needed to get over him in that hopefully spending the day with someone I possibly had feelings for, would help me in that process.

I wanted something different. To start over..and as cliché as it sounds, the look is where it all starts. I stood in my closet for a while scanning my clothes. Finally I found a pair of tight black skinny jeans and a light brown tank that also hugged my body. I pulled on matching boots that almost went to my knees and a light blue scarf to help bring out my eyes. Lastly I pulled my hair into away braid and applied lip gloss and mascara.

When I looked into the mirror, it was different. Not a big difference and not a bad difference either. I just looked more...ready. It's amazing what a nice outfit and good hair could do to a girl, because I didn't know what the hell I was ready for. But I guess I was going to find out.


"Hurry! Get down!" Harry yelled, crouching next to me.

"Harry we're winning. It's us against a seven year old girl, I'm pretty sure we-"

"AGH! IM HIT!" Harry dramatically scram as the siren went off indicating that he had indeed been hit.

"By a seven year old girl." I tried to hold in my laugh but it was hopeless.

I sat down next to Harry, trying to hide from mrs. pigtails who hadn't seen me before.

Harry reached up and grabbed my hand, "Save yourself. Just leave me here to die!"

"Oh no! I could never leave you!" I leaned in and kissed his cheek softly just as the siren went off for me.

The little girl giggled and ran outside of the room as the lights came up. Well, we were certainly never going to hear the end of this from the boys...but it was worth it.

"Lets go celebrate our victory now, shall we?" Harry stood and helped me up off of the ground.

"We lost, Harry.."

"Doesn't mean we can't celebrate!"

"True. Where shall we go then?""


"Sure! We might even see WILL see Niall."

And I called it. As soon as we walked inside, Niall and Andrea were in a booth, meals already finished.

"Let's go say hi!"

"Wait," Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him,"I..I think they're fighting.."

Right on cue, Niall stood up, saying something that sounded harsh to Andrea, and stormed out of the restaurant, ignoring Harry and I on the way through. Andrea put her head in her hands and sighed. Great. I couldn't let one of my best friends sit there alone, sad and crying. But I also couldn't just leave Harry like that, especially after how well been going so far.

"Dem, go talk to her." I heard Harry whisper into my ear. What, was he like some mind reader now?

"Are you sure? I mean.."

My voice trailed off when Harry shook his head, "It's okay, really. I have rehearsal in an hour anyway, so I should be getting ready."

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek lightly again for the second time that day, watching him blush, "but we defiantly need to continue this."

Just PretendingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora