Chapter Seven

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~Chapter Seven~


"Demi! Louis! Get down from there right NOW!" My first grade teacher, Mrs. Lynn screamed up at Louis and I as we swung our legs from the top of the highest tree.

"Her face gets so red when she yells!" I whispered, trying my hardest not to fall from the branch that was holding me up.

"Like a red lolly-pop!" Louis covered his mouth with his chubby fingers as giggles slipped through them.

"Why did you follow me up here anyways?" I asked squinting my eyes at this boy I hardly knew.

"I dunno..It looked fun I guess!" He gave me his best toothless grin, "I'm Louis!"

"I'm Demi."


"How old are you Demi?"

"Six. How old are you?"

"Six and three-quarters!" He smiled proudly and puffed his chest out, "I'm the oldest in the whole first grade!"

"Wow! I wish I could be!"

"Nah, girls can never be the oldest silly"

"Whats wrong about being a girl!?" I crossed my arms and pouted.

"KIDS! I will call both of your mothers if you don't come down this instant!"

"There's nothing wrong about being a girl!" Louis smiled and looked at me with gleaming eyes.

I felt myself blush as I looked away. Even at such a young age he could make me feel this way.

"So Demi, you wanna be best friends?"

My eyes grew wide, "EW! Best friends with a boy?! No way!"

"Whats so wrong about being a boy?" He grinned and cocked his head to the side.

"Nothing!" I glanced down at Mrs. Lynn, knowing our time was limited, "Fine. We can be best friends."

Louis spit in his hand and held it out to me.

I wrinkled my nose, "Gross! What are you doing!"

"You have to do the same! It's the only way we can be best friends. It's a law or something..."

I sighed and spit in my hand, "You better promise to be my best friend forever then!"

He shook it and smiled brightly, "I promise!"


"Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, waakkkkeee uuupppp!" Louis voice lingered loudly throughout my apartment.

I groaned and opened one of my eyes, "Louis get out of here."




"Get out of my house!"

"NEVER!" I felt him jump on top of me and his hands begin to tickle my sides.

"NO..STOP..LOUIS..STOP!" I laughed hard trying to breathe between each word.

"Only if you wake up!"

"I'm up, I'm up!"

"And tell me how much you love me!"


He began to tickle my sides harder.


I could practically hear his smile as he climbed off of me, "That's what I thought."

I turned and sat up, pulling my hair into a messy bun, "I hate you."

"No you don't. You love me. You just said so yourself," He smirked.

I stuck my tongue out at him as he began to put on his shoes.

If only he knew that when I said I loved him, I didn't mean as just best friends.

"So guess what I dreamed about?" I asked him, trying to get everything else off my mind.

He turned and gave me a serious look, "What? Was it a bad one again? Are you okay?"

"No! I mean was a good dream. It was about the day we you remember?"

He smiled and turned back around, "How could I forget? You practically devoured me with cooties."

"The spitting was your idea!" I giggled, climbing out of bed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say!" His voice became distant the further I wandered into my closet.

"Hey Lou, do you want to go out to lunch or something today?" I smiled, hoping I had my best friend...and my myself for the day.

"Id love to but I'm meeting Eleanor in an hour.."

Guess I didn't.

My heart dropped and I swallowed hard, "Oh..okay."

"I'm sorry.." His voice was closer now, right behind me.

I turned and forcefully smiled, "It's okay really! I actually just remembered that Harry wanted to meet for lunch anyways, so it works out."

His face fell and eye brows knit together, "You're going on a date with Harry?"


He studied my face for a while and shrugged, "I just didn't think he was your type."

"And what exactly do you think my type is?" I asked, suddenly annoyed.

"Oh I don't know, based on your previous relationships, douchy, arrogant, stupid....and now Harry, whose known to be quite the player! You pick them right dont you?"

My face grew hot with anger as i stormed past him. Why should he be the one judging who I should and shouldn't be with, I was the one who was in love with him!

"You know what Louis you've always been this way! Every time I'm with someone you find SOMETHING wrong!"

"And I've been right every time!"

He started to put his jacket on and walk towards the door.

It wasn't fair. How could he make me love him so much, and not notice it at all? All those other guys were just a distraction to push away my feelings for him. But he had no clue.

"Why are you being this way?" I asked, hoping for the same answer I would give him if the roles were reversed.

He turned and opened his mouth to say something, but shut it quickly.

"What? What were you going to say Louis?"

"It doesn't even matter."

"Yes it does!" I begged, but he just shook his head.

"Have fun with Harry." He opened the door and stepped out.

I felt tears sting my eyes and the door slammed shut.

"BELIEVE ME I WILL!" I screamed loud enough so that I knew he would hear it.

I quickly turned and reached across my bed, grabbing my phone.

I dialed fast and waited anxiously through a few rings. Finally someone picked up, "Hello?"

"Harry? Would you like to have lunch with me today?"

Looks like the game was still on.

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