I walked back into the kitchen to see Jodie on FaceTime with Austin. I quietly made my entrance as I sat down next to Rich, my Mom and Dad kind enough to leave the room with little Austin to keep his identity and my secret safe. I know it must've killed all of them, but I hope above all that they understood.

"Hey, is that Charlie?" I heard Austin say in a more upbeat tone then he was previously using with his parents.

Jodie's eyes cut towards mine as she gave me a pleading smile, I tilted my head to the side and gave her a small nod as I rolled my eyes. I was just going to have to accept the fact that Jodie was going to stop at nothing to fix things between the two of us.

"Uh yeah, she's just waiting for Tiff to come pick her up" Jodie said with a smile.

"Leaving so soon Charlie? I didn't think the party started until later tonight" he said with a questioning tone.

Jodie slowly rotated the iPad to face me, giving me a thankful glance as I gave in and talked with him for what would hopefully be a short period of time. The wounds were still too fresh for me to engage in conversation with him like normal.

"Uh yeah, its kinda a whole day thing" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh that's cool. What time do the real festivities start?" he laughed.

"I think Allen is coming to pick us up around 10" I said.

"Allen? Is he like the DD tonight or something?" he asked, his tone a little defensive and-only because I knew him the way I do-slightly jealous.

"I guess. From what I heard Mark convinced him to drive us around so that he could keep a close eye on Casey" I laughed.

"As if he needs to worry about Casey, she wouldn't do anything to hurt their relationship no matter how drunk she was" he laughed.

I started to feel slightly uncomfortable having this conversation with Austin with his parents being around, I mean I really didn't want to have the conversation with him to start with and now we were getting into personal things that I'm sure Rich and Jodie didn't care to know about.

"Yeah" I laughed fumbling around as I tried to pull my phone out of my back pocket.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, sorry I have to get going Austin. Tiffany is right down the road. It was nice to talk to you" I said with a slightly forced but still awkward smile.

"Okay, well have a great time, nice to talk to you too" he said, his attitude knowing as if he knew that Tiffany was indeed not down the road but was rolling with it anyway.

"Excuse me Rich, Jodie. Tiffany is just a few blocks away so I am going to go say goodbye to my parents before heading out" I said politely as they turned their attention back towards their son.

"Of course honey. Have a good time today" Jodie said with a happy upbeat tone.

I gave them both a weak smile as I walked out of the house towards my parents and little Austin sitting in the backyard. I stopped as I stepped out onto the back patio and looked at the scene in front of me. My Mom and Dad sitting close together, both holding hands, my mothers head nestled on my Dad's shoulder as they watched little Austin walk around and pull the little yellow dandelions out of Rich and Jodie's backyard. I felt myself become weak as my Mom lifted her head and placed a delicate and loving kiss on my Dad's cheek.

I felt a lump rise in my throat suddenly realizing that this is what I wanted. This could be Austin and I as we sat and watched our son play in our backyard. This very scene in front of me was my dream life, and it was all taken away from me three years ago when he stepped on a plane to go to LA. I suddenly felt my mood switch from longing to anger. How could he leave me here to raise our son alone? How could he make me feel like I couldn't even tell him about our son without him wanting to be here for the wrong reason? But most importantly, why was I not enough for him?

Changed Since Texas / Post Maloneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें