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Im totally looking thru my past fanart for Seraph of the end and I find that Leila was originally was supposed to be part of the demon army, have a kid with Guren then join Crowley and the vampires after the attack on Shinjuku and have a kid with him too. Lmfao🤣🤣. Talk about her being a player huh?

"A set of eyes had pinned him. Became his version of a kingdom. She's everything the devil can't be. When she's singing to me "Glory"" His calm, deep voice sang as we walked along underneath the dark street lights. My hand tightened in his as I look up, meeting his own matching, crimson eyes.

"What are you singing daddy?" I ask.

"Oh nothing darling" the old corpse says with a gentle smile. A quiet chuckle escapes before he added "just an old song your mother used to sing".

"What was mommy like?" I ask. He was silent as he thought of how to describe the love of his immortal life.

"She was beautiful. One of the most unique human I've ever seen in my long years of life Leila. So caring, selfless and kind. She wanted to meet you so bad before you were even born. I'm sad that you never got to meet her either." He explains. A small frown covers my lips as I look down at the sidewalk under our feet.

Suddenly, an intoxicating, addictive smell caught my attention. I gasp, looking around where it came from. An intense feeling of hunger began to overwhelm my stomach for the first time in weeks.

Daddy stopped as well. He must've smelt it too.

He quickly picked my small body up and placed me on his hip the way a parent would with their toddler and quickly went off to where the smell came from.

Not suprisingly enough, we found it quickly. A woman stripped to nothing but her bra and skirt lay on the damp, rain soaked ground in the alleyway next to us. She lay in a pool of the intoxicating crimson blood we smelt earlier, taking quick, small and shallow breaths.

My mouth watered as daddy sat me down on the ground. He was unfazed and silent as he approached the woman. I follow in close pursuit, hoping I get the first taste. "Please...." The woman gasps as she reaches out for my father. "Please k....kill me..." She says. My frown deepened. Why does she wanna die?

I gain closer to find multiple thin lines cut into her skin. Every where on her body. Thats where all the blood came from.

"It...it...hur...hurts...so bad" She says."Shhhh" Daddy says as he placed a hand on the woman's forehead. "Rest. It'll be okay" He whispers. Tears rush down the woman's cheeks as her breathing slows to a short, even pace. Her eyes close.

Daddy looked over at me, extending his hand out for me, inviting me to come closer. I take his hand and he pulls me gently towards the woman. "Itll be okay. Drink her blood." He explains.

"I've lived my entire 260 years of life hidden in the shadows, feeding off the life of criminals, morally bad guys and already dying people. I lived killing people for money, using the fact that I'm a prostitute to fool and lure them in. Never once had I fed off a healthy person. Dad never raised me to be like that. He never raised me to catch the eye of any human. Even though My body craved blood to survive and could last weeks between my meals. Even though I could heal faster and physically age slower then any human. Even though I looked as if I was 20 when I was actually 260 years old, I was raised to remain hidden and not bring the knowledge of vampires to light. Not to bring the knowledge of my abomination of a life to light."

I sigh as pull my legs up on the sofa. Crowley beside me sat leaning into the plush with his arms crossed over his well built chest. "You really think your life is an abomination?" He questions with a raised eyebrow.

"You think it's not? Crowley. I'm literally a living weapon in Ferid's eyes. I'm literally a unknown danger to human eyes. I'm not a normal being and thats what I consider to be an abomination" I explain.

"No." He says simply. My eyebrows furrow, my face practically begging him to explain. "I don't think its an abomination. I think it's just what this world needs" He says.

His crimson eyes met mine and for once, since the day I met him ages ago, genuine kindness, softness and truth rest behind them. "This world needs a little bit of uniqueness to change itself. Ive changed since I've met you. I feel alive when I'm with you Leila."

He turned to face me. "You, Leila, are the reason I feel like I'm human again. Its because you're not hidden and reserved from me like you are with everyone else." He explains. Taking in his words, I quickly slid over to pull him into a hug. He was quick to encase myself in his tight arms, in a tighter, stronger hug. "So thank you Leila" he whispers.

We sat like that for a few minutes, enjoying eachother's presence. I felt tears line my eyes for some reason. No one besides my father said that my life and my hybridization is actually beneficial to the world and who lives in it. I haven't heard something said like that in nearly 2 centuries.

I slowly pull away, his arms loosening their grip but never going away. His touch lingers on my hips. I look at his aestheticly pleasing features before my subconscious forced my lips to crash into his, like it has been wanting to for a while now. Awkward at first, his lips embrace my attack and his cold hand reached up to place itself against my pink, heat flushed cheek.

"I admit I don't feel anything romantically or platonically towards you if that's what you really wanna know." He admits. He was silent for a second. "I can't feel anything like that for you even if I wanted to. Im just not that way anymore" He says. "The only feeling I feel towards you is the need to protect you. Everything else that happens is because I want to help you live your life as happy as you can since I can't do that for myself anymore."

Right now...I think Crowley is my happiness.

It began to slide down to the nape of my neck, helping the corpse to make the kiss deeper. My body takes over my mind as I wrap my arms around the back of his neck. Eventually I pull away, catching the breath I lost.

"Thank you Crowley" I whisper.

Ps. Sorry that this is kinda shit. It was majorly rushed. But thanks for reading anyway.

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