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"Are you really gonna follow him into a stupendous war like that?" I ask. Clang!

"I really have no other option when it comes to Ferid if I must be honest." He begins to explain. Clang!

"I wouldn't say I trust Ferid's words and actions, I just am more comfortable with him more then the other progenitors. Which is why I follow him" He admits. I hum in acknowledgement as I swung my sword downwards a top of his again with more force. Clang! He absorbed the force of the blade and held it there in a struggle for the upper hand.

Shing! My blade slid off his. I feel my body subconsciously jump backwards to put some distance between us in case he decides to strike again. He launched foward, readying his blade for another attack. I place my sword in front of me to help in defense against his attack. Clang!

"And besides. He does make my life a little more interesting." He says. I sigh quietly and before I knew it, I was knocked on my ass with a blade to my face.

"I win" He says with a nasty smirk.

"Bastard" I mumble. He chuckled before he sheathed his sword, offering his hand out to help me stand. I took it and he quickly pulled me up. I held his hand for stability as i dust off the snow from the back of my skirt. "I'll get you next time" I say as I turn to face him again.

"Mhm. We'll see." He says, making me give him a death glare in response. He chuckled. "That should be a good end to training today" He says.

I slid my hand from his and bend down to pick up my sword before I stood up again. I notice he already had his back to me and was leaving the courtyard. I quickly sheathe my sword before I announce "Hey Crowley, can I ask a favor of you?", jogging towards him to catch up.

He turned his head to look over his shoulder before he raised an eyebrow to show I had his attention. He stopped and turned towards me, crossing his arms, showing me that I have his attention.

"If you dont mind and your schedule would allow, I need to go see a friend. Today is an important day for her and I can't leave unless you're with me so..." I say. His eyes furrowed as he thought about my request. "I would like to see her before we risk our lives in this stupid war" I add, hoping it'd be enough to convince him.

"Okay" He says with understanding.


The late morning sun shown with great brilliance over us as we walked along the broken streets of Nagoya. The iced over snow crunched under my feet, filling the silence between Crowley and I with some much needed noise.

He's been quiet since I asked him to come along. Honestly, I didnt expect anything more, but I still would've liked to talk to him.

"We're almost there" I say. He only hummed his response, ultimately ending the conversation there. I sigh quietly as I turn the corner. Just down the street was an old shelter home.

One for vampires.

I quietly began walking towards it with Crowley wordlessly following. "You got a lot of nerve showing up here" A voice says. I stopped in my tracks and turn to where it came from. She sat against the wall just outside the fenced entrance to the shelter.

Just who I wanted to see. My old friend that raised me.

"Hey Hikari" I say as I turn to walk over to her. "What are you doing here Leila" She snaps immediately, never turning to look over at me. As I gain closer to her, I notice that she was only wearing a gray, baggy tshirt and black slide on shoes. Her bright pink, long hair was down and tan skin was exposed to the cold weather. Her physical, 28 year old body sat still, like she was frozen.

"I came to say Happy Birthday. It's your thousandth year alive. Figured we should celebrate it" I admit.

"That's the last thing I want to do today. Seeing you is the second to last" She says.

"Aw. How sweet. How's Prim?" I say sarcastically as I lower myself into a kneeling position in front of her.

Her head remained lowered with a scowl on her face. "Dont you dare talk about my daughter. Get the hell out of here. I thought I told you to never come back you bitch" She screams. I sigh quietly before I reach into my pocket. I hook my finger onto the chain and pull it out, offering it to her.

"Happy birthday" I say. She looked up for a second as her eyes land on the jewel hanging from the chain. "I thought you should have it back. I know you feel I betrayed you when I joined the progenitor council." I add, taking note of her scowl growing more mean as her crimson eyes met mine. I sigh. "Trust me. I didn't expect it either. But I finally found my purpose in this life. I'm gonna fight this war and I'm gonna win after I help kill the revolting livestock" I admit, my voice laced with a feeling that makes the people who hear it, do whatever I want them to.

She stared at me for a few seconds before she scoffed a laugh.

She reached up and took the necklace from me, the one she gave me when she met me after I first came to Japan. "I'm sorry Hikari." I say. She chuckled. "Its okay Leila. You say you found your purpose...okay. Kill the livestock with all you got, okay?" She says. My face fell into a smile.

"Thank you. So much" I say. She hummed quietly. "I'm happy for you baby girl. Stay safe okay?" She says. "I will. You stay safe too okay? Ill find you again when this all over. Please take care of Baeu and everyone else" I ask. She hummed an okay.

"I love you" She whispers. "I love you too" I say in return.


"That woman. How is she important to you?" He asks. We were taking the long way back to Crowley's territory. I slowed my pace to walk side by side with him. "Hikari Hiraoka-Jaeger was the one who took me in and took care of me after I came to Japan about a hundred years ago" I admit. He hummed in understanding.

"She obviously hates the council and she raised me to hate it as well, even though I didnt care to know much anyway. She wasn't happy to hear I joined you guys so I wanted to say I'm sorry but I didnt know how. I just figured today might be the best chance I had" I admit.

"She's real important to me. I can't imagine ever losing her" I say.

The End is Beautiful || Crowley EusfordWhere stories live. Discover now