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When a beautiful, long silvered haired vampire approached me with a promise of a war against the foul livestock, a permanent place of residence and protection, never would I have thought it would come to something like this.

I sat in the grass, under the shade tree that resides in the nearby park Crowley took the girls and I to, to play and patrol. I held Emelisse gently in my arms, watching as Crowley and Prim on the swing set across the way.

Happiness. Love and joy. All in a time where it should just be chaos and destruction. I took in a deep breath of the spring breeze, sighing quietly.

"I was born into a war. I grew up learning how to be the perfect soldier and survivalist. How to do things for myself since I'm all I really have in this messed up, crazy world. I survived so it ultimately was enough." I sigh. My eyes travel down to a sleeping Emelisse. "As I grew more and more, I went across the world, finding myself to be in every war I came across and ultimately helping the side I joined win. I was strong and powerful. Sneaky and valuable." I sat there for a second, staring at her.

"All I knew was war"

I push her thin red hair away from her forehead, careful not to wake her. "Crowley admits that he's the same. Born and raised to be a knight. For all he can remember as his time as a human, he spent it training and sparring to become a fine, chivalrous man." I whisper.

I brush my fingertips gently across her smooth cheek. "And here you are, born into a war just like the both of us." I chuckle. I run my fingertips through her waves again as I continue "but he and I promised way~ before you were even born that you wouldn't know about fighting the way we did. You would grow up with happiness, joy and content. You would be raised the way we shouldve".

With no answer from the 2 month old baby, I huff a quiet chuckle before I lay her gently down on the blanket we sat on. Allowing her to fully stretch out as she slept soundlessly.

My eyes wander up to Crowley and Prim again, focusing my hearing on her racing heart and their contagious laughter. My heart swole with content.

A sudden sharp pain seared through my lower abdomen. My breath knocked out of me and I peer down silently, finding half of a blade pierce my skin. I gasp, finding my breath to be hindered to the blood that began to fill my throat. "Damned half breed. Ferid was an absolute fool to think you belong here" A cocky voice erupted behind me.

I heard no footsteps. Not even a simple heartbeat. "Dont worry about going to hell alone. Your bastard is next" He admits. I growl, screaming "Leave her alone you-."

Suddenly the blade pulled out from its lethal hold in my skin and I quickly turn swinging my own sword towards my attacker. I never felt it come in contact with anything. I only felt another searing, stabbing pain cut across my face. I fall limp to the ground next to Emelisse, gasping for air as I felt my airway close to my own blood.

Blood. I smelt blood.

Not just mine, but the suspected attacker's as well. "Leila?" His voice hectically asks. I feel really thirsty. My eyes became heavy and I felt my breathing become really labored. "Hang on Leila." He says before a new scent of blood blew in the air.

His blood.

His lips quickly connected to mine and a thick, mouthwatering liquid began filling my mouth. It tasted so refreshing to the point I felt like I was dying for more. I drank it all, never feeling satisfied as he pulled away to get more.

I felt myself fall into a painless unconsciousness and it felt peaceful. "Damnit! Stay with me please!" He yells. I tried.

But for once, not fighting seemed okay. I'm tired of war. Of fighting. Of opposing sides thinking they're right. I'm tired. And I think I just need to rest.

All I can say is 😈.

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