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"You're sure?" He quietly asks.

I nod. The symptoms were all there. The nasuea, the rejection of blood, no period...

"Okay" He only says.

I lean into the wall behind me, sighing as I press my head to it as well. I press my hand gently to my stomach, feeling salty tears burn my eyes. His eyebrows furrowed with genuine worry as he sat down next to me, leaning against the wall.

"Leave us" He tells Chess and Horn. Without any rejections or words they left the bathroom.

"What now?" I ask as soon I was for sure they were gone.

He sighed. "Well. I can't say I'm sure Leila. I've never dealt with a pregnancy before"

I chuckle. I felt his cold hand slide gently into my own. I take it and gently lean into his side, laying my head atop his shoulder.

"Do you want this?" I ask.

He says without any hesitation "Of course I do Leila". A minute of silence. "I guess the real question here you want it?" He asks.

I purse my lips feeling the tears began to fall. "I don't know Crowley." I admit truthfully. "I'm scared to death right now".

My dark past as a prostitute was filled with unwanted pregnancies that ended up in terrible miscarriages, disgusting illnesses and even gory death during childbirth.

I can't help but wonder if I could turn out that way I go through with it.

The corpse's chuckle brought me out of my troublesome thoughts. I feel his hand tighten around my own. "You aren't alone in this, you know? There isn't any reason to be scared okay? I love you Leila" He whispers.

I feel my eyes widen before I looked at him with a shocked look. Did he...just admit...that he loves me? He said it genuinely too. He smiled at my reaction. I quickly smash my lips into his, feeling him laugh mid kiss.

It eventually pull away, laughing. "I love you too" I admit.

"Still scared?" He asks.

"Terrified. But I'll be okay" I admit, making the corpse laugh again. He was leaning in to give me another quick kiss before my stomach twisted again.

The sick feeling suddenly returned and I quickly scramble over to the toilet again.

"We have got to find you something you can handle to eat..." He jokes as he quickly scooted over to hold back my hair. I was quicker to finish getting it out this time.

Hunching over the toilet, I groan, feeling weak suddenly. "Ugh. I dunno how imma be able to deal with this. I can't even handle drinking blood right now"

His hand gently rubbed my back in delicate circles. "Itll be okay." He assures. I sigh.

"Aunt Leila..." Her small voice says. I look up quickly to find Prim standing in the doorway of the bathroom. "I found you! Those vampire ladies said you are in here and that you're sick." Crowley's hand stopped and remained still on the small of my back.

I chuckle, pushing away from the toilet. "I'm not sick, baby. I'm okay now. Promise. There's no need to worry okay?" I admit. Her face dropped in worry. She could probably see right through my lies. I quietly sigh. "I just drank a little bit of bad blood. My tummy didn't like it. That's all baby" I say.

"Really?" She asks. Her eyes drifted down to my hand that was pressed against my stomach. "Your tummy still hurts though". She pouts as I take in her words.

While she is right about that...I dont want her to worry too much.

She remained silent as she silently scooted across the room to a spot right in front of me. Her eyes were still trained on my stomach, never breaking sight for one second. "There's a baby in there, right Aunt Leila?" She asks, pointing to where she was looking.

"Ugh. Y-Yeah there is Prim" I admit.

Crowley raised an eyebrow to the little hybrid. She slowly got down on her knees and placed her hand by mine.

"Its just like you and me" She admits. My breath hitched.

"How do you know that Prim?" I ask.

She only shrugged.

"I dunno. I just do" She says, keeping her attention trained on her hand that was on my stomach. "I can hear its heartbeat. Its really fast". I laugh quietly before I look at Crowley. A small smile crossed the corpse's lips.

"Its not very big right now but it's growing really fast." She says. "It's about this big right now"

She made a tiny circle with her fingers that resembled the size of a pea. I hum.

"You're freakishly amazing kid" Crowley announced, making me chuckle. He held up his hand for a high five to the girl. She smiled and gave him one. "Good job" He says.

"Thanks" she says. human terms, I would be a month and a half into my pregnancy. It explains the morning sickness symptoms I'm going through right now. Even though just about 3 weeks ago Crowley and I had sex for the first time. I quietly sigh with a smile of weariness. Vampire pregnancy takes about 4 months at max when its 9 months for humans. I imagine since I'm a hybrid my pregnancy would be about average to what it usually is for them both.

So about 6 and a half months is what it might take for me to have the baby.

God. All this mental math is making me exhausted.

I lean my head on Crowley's shoulder again. "You okay?" He asks. I hum a yes before I add "just tired". He hummed in understanding as I close my eyes.

He quickly picked me up effortlessly and carried me to my bedroom with Prim following in pursuit. I fell asleep on the way and I didn't wake up.

The End is Beautiful || Crowley EusfordWhere stories live. Discover now