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"Goodnight Prim" I quietly whisper, pulling the covers of her own bed over her small body.

"Goodnight Aunt Leila" She says with a smile. She bared fangs similar to mine and Crowley's. Her heterochromic red and brown eyes were filled to the brim with content that matched her smile.

"Good night Sleepy" She says as soon as I stood, aiming her words towards the swollen bump.

I chuckle. "It says goodnight too" I say.

Her smile never fades as I turn off her bedside lamp. I turn to quickly leave her room and shut the door before walking down the hall to my bedroom.

I sigh quietly as I enter my room, suddenly feeling a rush of cold air brush across my bare skin with the quiet sound of rain on the window.

"Rain is so calming isn't it?" A voice asks. The room was dark besides the lamp besides my bed, I couldn't see who it was too clearly.

Though I knew that ancient, princely like voice by heart.

I feel a dark scowl cross my face as I ask "what do you want Ferid?".

"Oh nothing. I've only made my appearance to tell news of upcoming events as well as check in on your wellbeing." He says, slowly walking into the orangish illumination of the room. His beguiling crimson eyes were trained on my stomach.

"I see that you and dear Crowley are getting close" He says.

"If you have news, can you get on with it? I'm awfully tired" I say, almost interrupting him as I cross my arms tightly over my chest.

"Just how far along is-" He asks.

"Ferid!" I say with a tone of warning, making the corpse laugh.

"Oh calm yourself my dear. I was only making conversation" He explains as he slowly began to pace the width of my room. "In a months time, the council and all of its progenitors have set up an exhachange after the news of dear Krul's capture." He explains.

He turned to face me with a cocky smile on his fanged mouth. My scowl grew colder. "You my dear will be on of our top forms of defense had the case change from passive to threatening." He explains. He turned to face me, slowly walking to me by the door. "That is, if yours and Crowley's precious bundle of joy has made an appearance by then" He explains, reaching out to place his cold palm atop my belly.

"And what would we get out of it Ferid?" His voice suddenly says. His hand snatched Ferid's of my stomach, looking into the corpse's eyes with safeguarding and protection dripping off his own.

Ferid only laughed at Crowley's reaction as he stepped between us, shielding me from the bastard.

"Why Crowley, we would only gain more power over those greedy blood bags. Can't you see?" He asks.

"My ass" I mumble.

"She wouldn't be going anyway Ferid. She would've just had the baby then. She would need to rest and recover. Fighting a pointless battle wouldn't help that" Crowley snaps.

"Well it seems the old heartless vampire actually has feelings for someone. I'd never thought I'd see the day" Ferid says.

Crowley let go of Ferid's hand. "See yourself out Ferid. I don't want you here" He says.

"Oh but of course" Ferid replies.

As soon as Ferid left the room, Crowley shut the door. "That bastard irritates me sometimes" He admits as he quickly turned to escort me to my bed.

I hum in agreement.

I quickly laid down and settled in quickly. Crowley quickly leaned over to press a gentle kiss to my forehead before I quickly ask "can you lay with me in bed tonight?".

He raised his eyebrows before humming quietly. He rounded the bed, kicking off his boots before climbing under the covers next to me, pulling me into his hold.

I quietly sigh as I settle in his arms, relaxing my body and enjoying his presence. His cold hand was atop my tummy, right where Ferid's was just earlier. He sighed. "I guess I should thank Ferid huh?".

"Hm? For what?" I ask. I cock my head up to see his face more clearly in the lamp light. "For turning me into a monster. I wouldn't have met you otherwise" He admits in a quiet whisper.

I chuckle.

His consciousness was growing hazy. Death, and darkness was closing in on him. He wondered idly if someone like him would be able to go to the Lord's side. Ferid spoke up, "Aah, you are dying. And here I really enjoyed spending time with you. Human life is such a transient thing, isn't it." He actually looked a little regretful when he said that.

"I shall give it to you. The strength that you desire from the bottom of your heart, I shall grant it to you---" With this, Ferid took something like a transparent vial out of his breast pocket. Some sort of liquid sloshed inside of it.

Shaking the vial a couple of times, he forcibly poured the liquid into Crowley's mouth. The same instance Crowley knew that that unknown something entered his body.

He felt the liquid travel down his throat. Felt it invade his esophagus, his stomach, his intestines, his very cells.

His heart pounded heavily. Its rate accelerated, faster and faster, beating so rapidly that it hurt. At the same time, "Ugh, ah!" he found his voice, even though there wasn't supposed to be any strength left in his body. "Wh-What did you do to me?" Crowley demanded, focusing his eyes on Ferid.

My thoughts of when Crowley explained his history in that library returned to me. I hum quietly.

"You're not a monster Crowley." I whisper.

"Oh yeah? What am I then?" He asks.

"You're calm. You're brave. Relaxed yet stern when you need to be." I explain. I meet his eyes. "You're just what I needed." I add in a quiet whisper.

He only scoffed a laugh with a genuine smile on his lips. Suddenly, his lips meet mine. A laugh escapes my lips as he gently pushed me to my back, hovering above my side to make the kisses deeper, stronger and filled to the brim with passion.

Eventually said kisses turn into roaming hands. I pull away breathless, meeting the corpse's blood red eyes. Want and greed for something more hid behind his orbs.

"I need you Leila" He whispers. I quietly bit my lip, nodding.

Knowing he has my permission, he was quick to attack my neck with suggestive bites/kisses. His hand slid up between my thighs where a pool of arousal had already been growing.

"God, you're so wet" He whispers. I hum quietly as he went down to press a kiss against my collarbone. "I think I can help you with that problem" he whispers before he moved down to pull off my panties.


She was out like a light the moment she relaxed in my hold. I gently rub the tips of my fingers along the skin of her bare back, helping her to remain relaxed and still.

A smile covered my face, one that I don't think would go away for a long while.

"Goodnight Leila" I whisper.

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