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"So what does Ferid need from us?" I ask. Again, I was woken up early by Crowley, saying that Ferid requests an audience with us for a "very important reason".

"I dunno. It seemed urgent though" He says, letting out a loud sigh. "Which usually means its not urgent at all" He adds. I chuckle. It got quiet between us as we continue walking along.

The new year's fresh layer of snow had fallen last night with a bitterly cold wind to follow. A quiet sigh with a puff of white air escaped my lips before I quietly call out his name. "About last night-" I start to say, cut off by my own embarrassment. He obviously got the hint that I wouldn't speak anymore and the smirk that I've grown fond to yet scared of crossed his lips.

My eyes snap open and I look around. I find his Crimson eyes and stunning yet nasty smirk right away. He stood by the window, the exact place he was last night when I went to sleep. "Morning. Have a nice dream?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I groan.

"Shit." I breath, turning my head to stare at the ceiling. He chuckled. "Come on. Get dressed. Ferid needs us" He says as he begins to walk towards my bedroom door. I sigh. "Okay" I mumble.

"Leila." He says suddenly. I hum in response. "Itll stay between us" He says. "Great. Now I'm having wet dreams about him. Awesome" "Mhmm. Thanks" I announce sarcastically.

"What about last night?" He asks.

"Did I...You know...say something in my sleep?" I ask. He chuckled, giving my clear answer. "Ugh. I'm sorry" I mumble.

"Dont be ashamed for letting your Human side come out Leila. Some sides do tend to get the best of us. You've seen that up close with myself" He says.

A gasp slid off my tongue as I feel my body jump at the sudden intrusion. I feel his arms pull me into him tightly again, holding me close to him so he can easily support me as he fulfilledhis desire and thirst. Blood started to run down my neck and Crowley started to drink it like a man dying of thirst. The sounds of suction and squelching filled the room. The world was slowly sinking into dark before my eye as mind-numbing pleasure began to overwhelm my whole body.

"Agh... uh... ah," groans fell out of my mouth as I feel my body start to become light.

I hum in understanding. "To my dream's defense, you are a very attractive man" I mumble, making him chuckle before he took a deep breath. It was silent again.

To be honest, I hate silence. It lets me hear my own thoughts.

I was fixing to say something to break the silence before Crowley went ahead and said "If you didn't know I used to be a knight under an oath, would you believe when I told you that I've never slept with a woman?" He asks.

"Nope. Not for a second" I admit. I look up at him with a smile making his lips turn upward into a genuine smile.

"Well it's true. In my 820 years on his Earth, Human and Vampire, I've never spent the night with a woman" He says.

"If I didn't know you as well as I did, I would call bullshit" I say. I chuckle, closing my eyes as I let out the laugh. I never notice Crowley's face drop, overcome with seriousness.

He suddenly stopped, making me stop in return, turning to face him. "How well do you think you know me Leila?" He asks. Not in a defensive or rude tone but that of curiosity.

I furrow my eyebrows. "I mean I'd like to think I know enough since all I really ever do is talk to you anymore"

He sighed. "I don't think you do" He whispers.

I bit my bottom lip. "What do you mean? What don't I know?" I ask.

He took a deep breath.

"You don't know how much Ive yearned to drink your blood again, over and over last night. How much I want to press you up against the wall and drink every last drop of what keeps your skin warm against my freezing fingertips. You don't know how much I practically want to kill you every waking second I'm with you..." He explains. He took a step closer to my still body. I didnt move, didn't retreat but instead met his eyes. "...while at the same time, I want to help your heart to keep beating. I want you to live a life, one like the one that was taken from me the moment I was forced to drink that vile. I want to be by your side for the rest of my immortal life and protect you from this hellish world." He says.

My eyebrows crease in worry as I reach up and press my palms to his cheeks. Tears line my eyes as I look into his.

"You dont know how much I wished I met you when I was human. We could've had a normal life together, there in that small house in the village. No Knights Of Templar, No threats of Vampires. Just you and me like it is now" He whispers. I laugh, feeling the tears fall.

"I would've liked that very much" I admit. I pull him down into a hug, arms wrapped around the back of his neck to keep him level to my height.

"I don't have the ability to love someone the way your human side does Leila. But I do have the ability to keep you safe. I'll be here for as long as you want me okay?" He asks.

"Okay" I say.

Ok. I want to clear a few things. What I was trying to signify is that Crowley doesn't see Leila as a love interest, more as something he feels obligated to protect. He does feel something for her, but more in a intense platonic way. The sexual tension is rising in her eyes tho😈😋. Lmao. Thank you for reading!!! I hope you enjoyed!!!

The End is Beautiful || Crowley EusfordWhere stories live. Discover now