A Month

571 23 3

A few days later

I felt sick...nauseated by the sight of the blood that sat in my glass. My eyes slowly trail up and look over at him, looking down at his own nauseating glass of human blood.

Ever since we returned to from Ferid's important meeting, he's been dead silent. I don't know why either. I've grown to hate it when we aren't talking...but I didn't know what to say.

His face was blank. Emotionless. Empty. Yet, with the way he isn't talking, he seems almost angry or irritated with something for some reason.

"Not hungry?" He suddenly asks. My eyes snap up to meet his own intoxicating crimson ones. I never realized he turned to look over at me.

I took a deep breath as I shook my head. "Its not that. I'm actually starving its just...I usually get sick on this stuff when I'm on my period" I admit.

He raised an eyebrow. "Ironic. I know" I mumble as I quietly chuckle. And just another thing that separated me from the vampires. I look away, turning to place my glass on the table next to his already empty one. Suddenly, an intoxicating smell filled the air and my hunger over took me suddenly. I turn to where it came from just to find Crowley's wrist bleeding.

I took a deep breath. "Try this" He says. Hoping it'd do something, I slowly took his wrist and began to suck the spewing blood. While I'm not looking to throw up my meal, I feel like it doesn't hurt to try. Instantly, the hunger that was growing in my body began to die away and I didn't feel like throwing it up.

My mind hazed over the more I drank.

Tears line my eyes. I felt amazing, satisfied like I'm finally eating a meal for the first time in a century. Maybe it's been the answer all along to keep the vampire in me happy when my human side's taken over for 3 to 4 days.

My body has always been a balance between an animalistic mythic being and a living human. When the balance is tipped towards one side, my world is thrown into a chaos that leaves me to suffer alone. I usually can't eat or sleep. I hate it...but maybe this is part of the solution.

I feel my hair get tucked behind my ear and suddenly, I feel grounded, back to earth from my high on Crowley's blood.

I pull away as I feel a tear fall. His cold thumb pressed against my lip, wiping away the stray line of blood that ran down my chin. "Are you still thirsty?" He asks. I shook my head before I suddenly fall into a tight hug. "Thank you Crowley" I whisper. I bury my face into the crook of his neck as he returned the hug. "I feel so much better now".

"I needed to return the favor anyway" He admits, making me chuckle. We sat like that for a moment longer before I suddenly pull away.

"How did you know that would work?" I ask.

"I didn't. I figured I'd give it try. That glass is filled with Human blood so I thought a vampire's blood would have a different affect" He admits. I chuckle again. "I'm glad I could make you feel okay again." He says after a small period of silence. I meet his crimson eyes again as he pulls away. He stood and quickly scooped me into his arms bridal style, carrying me across my room to my unkept bed.

He laid me down gently before I quickly pull the covers up over my bare legs. He sat down at the foot of the bed before he huffed quietly.

"It's not gonna be just us two anymore" He says, making me raise an eyebrow. "Hm? Why?" I ask. "In a months time, I'm having two aides assigned to assist me. Ferid told me they'd help me protect you" He explains. I hum in understanding.

It was silent before I say "It'll be fine." I say, making him look at me with a raised eyebrow. The corpse only smiled. Not a genuine smile but one at least. He reached over and presses his freezing hand to my warm cheek as an offering of affection.

"You should get some sleep. Now that you have some sustenance, you should rest easy." He says as he stood from his spot. I hum in agreement as I begin to lay down.

He quickly turned off the lights before retreating to his spot by the window he claimed a night months ago. I lay there, watching him as he watched the outside. His face looked blank, yet angry or agitated again.

"Are you okay?" I ask after a while of silence. In the light of the moon, I notice him shake his head. "Its hard to compose myself when you're bleeding Leila" He admits, making me laugh.

"Sorry" I say.

"You don't know how much I yearn for your blood after I drank it the first time..."

I suddenly silence myself. Damn human side. Why of all things did God let me have periods....

But that just means you can have babies Leila😎👌. Lmao.

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