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"Good morning Lord Crowley" Horn says as soon as I enter the room.

Both aide's attention turn to me. I sigh as I return my morning greeting, peering around the morning sun lit morning room and noticing that Leila and the baby remain absent.

"She's still asleep. She said she's still exhausted after yesterday's fight and staying up to take care of the baby" Chess answers before I even ask.

A wave of disappointment in myself rushed over my dead heart.

I slam the door shut, immediately stomping down the hall. Emelisse's cries fill my ears. Leila's raising, stressed heartbeat and quiet tears accompanied it. I froze right where I stood. And there i stood for a whole. It took everything in me not to turn around and help her with the baby.

To not burst into the bedroom, scoop both of them into my arms tightly and hold them there for as long as I wanted.

A shakey sigh escaped my lips as I squeeze shut my eyes, regaining my composure. Going back now wouldn't be right.

Not for her or for myself. I needed some time to breathe.

To shake off the dream.

To take Leila's words to heart. Words that say that I'm not the monster I think I am but the person she found it in her heart to fall in love with.

'Daddy isnt a monster' I hear her faint, gentle and weakening voice muster to the baby. A quiet breath escaped my lips.

A frown pursed my lips.

"Is everything okay Lord Crowley? Did something happen between you and Leila?" Chess asks.

Horn nudges the Aide with her elbow, wordlessly warning her to shut up. "Its nothing you should worry about. Thanks" I admit.

A worried look covers both their faces as they gave in to my words. They nod in acceptance. "I'll be back" I say before I turn out of the room, walking off before they could say anything else.

I made my way quietly to the bedroom I shared with Leila last night.

Opening the door, I immediately notice Prim playing in silence with Emelisse on the ground. I was quick to notice Leila asleep in the bed.

Her uneven breathing showed me she was awake.

"Morning Uncle Crowley" Prim says in a whisper, a genuinely beautiful and happy smile covering her lips.

"Good morning your majesty. Can I have a moment alone with Leila?" I smile. She giggled, nodding, before turning back to effortlessly pick up the baby, carrying her out of the bedroom.

I hear the hybrid in the bed quietly sigh.

I turn to find her eyes still closed and still in the sleeping position I first saw her in. "I was wondering how much longer I would've had to listen to Prim try to get the baby to say her name" She admits. I scoff a quiet laugh as I cross the room to her side of the bed.

I sat down by her still body, turning my body to face her. I sigh, opening my mouth to announce my apology for my sudden taking of absence.

"Are you okay?" She asks before I could even get a word out.

I sigh, answering "I should be the one to ask you that" with a laugh.

"I wasn't the one running out of the room, screaming that they're a monster" She says.

Her eyes open, revealing the crimson eyes. The same crimson eyes that stared at me with worry and confusion the night before. I sigh.

"I just needed a breath" I admit, toying with my fingers to avoid her eyes.

"Some dream huh?" She asks.

"Yeah" I mumble. I meet her eyes. "I haven't dreamed in nearly a Millennium. It's kind of hard to not be shaken" I admit. An understanding smile crossed her lips as she quietly hummed.

I took in a deep breath, exhaling just as big as I dig around my pocket for the thing I went looking for. She sat up, pulling the covers up over her bare legs

"Y'know. Maybe I'd like to go back to Europe where I first turned into a vampire. See how much it's changed since I haven't been there in a few centuries". I hum. "I'll take you, Emelisse and Prim and we'll go see the world away from the vampires and livestock and war" I add.

"There is where I'll marry you" I whisper quietly in her ear.

Her breath hitched as smile creeps on her stunning features. I hear her quietly hum again. "I'd like that" she whispers. "Good 'cause you don't have a choice in the matter" I admit, quickly placing a kiss to her head.

"So I went on a short walk, took a breather. And....I got this" I say, offering her the box.

She took it and gently opened it. Inside contained a simple diamond engagement ring I found in a run down jewelry store.

"I know I'm not really up to date on the whole marriage thing. Where I come from, marriages were arranged and rings weren't really a thing" I explain.

She sighed, meeting my eyes with a smile as she listened to me explain. "Its just fine Crowley." She admits. "We all know I don't need the ring to show how much I love you".

I sigh in relief. How she could love some one like me, I'll never know. Quite frankly, I'm glad she does.

"Will you marry me Leila Kuran?" I ask, sliding the ring from the box and taking her left hand in my free hand, waiting for her answer.

"Yeah" She says with a smile.

I exhale the breath I hadn't realized I was holding in relief as I quickly slid the ring on the ring finger of her hand. She quickly threw her arms around the back of my neck in a tight hug.

"I really do love you Crowley, no matter what you believe you are. A monster or a man coming to life again. You're Crowley. The calm, brave and amazing vampire that promised to protect me and keep me alive years ago." She explains in a whisper.

'Daddy isnt a monster' I hear her faint, gentle and weakening voice muster to the baby.

"I know. Thank you Leila" I whisper.

Hiya guys! I just wanted to say thank you so much for getting this book to 6k views. Never did I believe someone would like my writing (which is really just random words in a sentence) that much. I appreciate the support and I'm sorry I'm not updating in a timely manner. Life finally calmed down for a little bit but it'll pick up again here soon. I'll try to get as many chapters out as I can.

Thank you! Have a good day/night! Thanks for reading!❤

The End is Beautiful || Crowley EusfordWhere stories live. Discover now