Season 2: Along For The Ride

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I leaned against the bus where Crowley was quietly working on its engine, peeking over at his work as the last 2 hours replay in my head.

"Lets call a temporary truce, yeah? You three came here to talk right?" The tall, light pink haired one asks.

"I don't mind." Crowley announces.

I look up from the heaving boy I recall having a past of demon troubles with and to him. "I'm just along for the ride" I add.

All attention turned to Ferid. "Of course. We are your new friends after all". Crowley let out a huff of annoyance as he crossed his arms as well.

"What are you doing here Ferid?" Mika asks with sharp venom on his tongue.

"Oh Mika, we're only here to help your friends and dear Yuichiro. If I'm not mistaken, his demon has been out of hand here lately, correct?" Ferid's playful tone announces as he pulls out a syringe of a clear liquid. "This drug will help to ease your troubles".

If anything, Ferid's really only here to collect more game pieces in whatever game he's playing. But he'd never own up to saying it.

"Like hell it would. How the hell should we trust you of all people?" Mika snaps, unsheathing his sword as he stepped in front of his friend.

"Why, Guren Ichinose himself entrusted me to give this to your friend. The Lieutenant Colonel uses this drug to deal with his own demons" Ferid admits.

A quiet sigh escaped my lips. I feel bad for them. His antics are exhausting. It takes everything in me to not chop his head off any moment he enters the room. By the looks of it, Mika is scheming to do it himself.

Ferid's plans are confusing me. Where Crowley and I stand in the grand scheme has got me stumped and I don't even see why he needs us. Crowley's eyes glance momentarily over at me before returning to himself with a smile. "Sorry. I'm just a little bored" I apologize in a whisper for my intrusion.

He hummed quietly, shaking his head to disregard my apology as unnecessary. A grin overtook his smile and bared his white teeth and his sharp, pointed pair of canines show with crystal clarity. The tool that's meant to instill fear into his targets makes him more attractive to me.

"So. How are you feeling Leila dear?" I hear his voice ask from right next to me. I look up to find Ferid leaning against the bus, hovering over my seated figure.

"I'm feeling very bothered by your need to piss off demonic kids all the time, Ferid" I say sternly.

"Oh I meant of your wounds dear. Are they still painful?" He says. I purse my lips, sighing heavily as I look away from the corpse. Crowley beside me, quietly laughs as he keeps his attention on the engine.

"You're a fool if you think I'll let you even come near him!" Mika yells.

"Oh come now Mika, I only wish to help him" Ferid says with a quick retort from Mika.

"You're the one that set his demon off in the first place!".

I quickly peer over at the decapitated head of a young girl in a preservation container atop the hood of the convertible we came in. Mikaela and the boy both knew her, personally I've gathered. Akane is what the boy called her.

Ferid's capable of many messed up things, but I'll agree to find this to be taken too far.

"An now dear boy I'll be the one to take responsibility for such an act and save him before he fully becomes a demon" Ferid says.

"No!" Mika yells. "Not on your life! You won't touch him!"

The young vampire lunged at the corpse. "Leila, dear!" Ferid calls out. I quietly sigh. Not like I got anything better to do.

I step out in front of the corpse faster than Mika can even comprehend, angling my sword to take the blow from Mika's. The kid grunts at the sudden force acted upon his blade and was thrown back. I swipe his sword with mine, grabbing its handle before I push him back.

He flew back a few feet, unarmed and farther away from what he was protecting. I immediately drop into a guard position with both swords ready as Ferid crosses the distance between him and the demon boy.

"Perfect job Leila. Now precious Yu is all mine!" Ferid says.

"Dammit! Yu!" Mika says starting for Ferid.

I step in between them, blocking Ferid again. He stopped in his tracks. "Cool it Mika. Don't make this harder than it needs to be kid" I say.

I plop my head back against the bus, looking up at the corpse. "Though I'm sure you don't really care about my wellbeing, I'm fine Ferid" I admit. He only smiled, a hint of genuine feeling coming to light for a second. It disappeared as soon as it came.

"Good. I need my precious Wild Card in tip top shape for the events of today" He says.

"Which, of course, you still need to explain Ferid" I comment.

"Trust me dear. The less you know the better" He admits, earning an eye roll in response.

He shifted from his place next to me and to Crowley's side opposite from me. "So Crowley. What do you think? Will this bus start?"

"Probably. I so happened to bring a portable generator for this kind of thing" He admits.

"Oh goody! So prepared! You must like tinkering with these kind of things" Ferid says.

I huff a exhausted sigh. Im physically tired of him already. "Not really. I only learned because you make me repair those classic cars you own" Crowley admits. Ferid laughed as Crowley made a few more adjustments.

The old engine roared to life, earning a congratulating cheer from Ferid. "It started!". He turned to the group of kids sitting under the awning of the strip mall we sat outside of, announcing "Everyone, we're ready! Now we can all travel together".

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