SEASON 2: Accepting

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Her blood soaked the blanket. Piercing wails of distressed cries tore through the air from the girls. His body fell to ash at my feet, leaving a puddle of clothes behind as I fell to my knees next to her.

I bit into my wrist, drinking my blood and forcing it to pool in my mouth. Tears fill my eyes as I press my lips to hers, allowing her to drink the mouthful of blood.

God must hate me more then I thought he did. To let something like this happen to her rather then myself. 'God is a terrible man' repeatedly screamed as I examined her gravely dangerous wounds.

Her breathing hallowed and her throat filled with blood. The blood flow never slowed, it never stopped. Her heartbeat, the once beautiful and mesmerizing sound, stuttered as it fought to keep going.

She was dying. And that I knew for certain.

Emelisse's head laid still against my chest, asleep, as I stood in my spot by the window. Primrose lay next to Leila in the bed, watching, waiting for the comatose hybrid to awake.

It's been two days. No luck.

She lay there, still as a statue. Paralyzed in her injured state. If it wasn't for the faint sound of her heartbeat, I would assume she wasn't even alive.

Bandages encase the wound on her chest. A deep scar lined her face from under her right eye to the left side of her chin. She wouldn't have been able to sustain such injuries if she was fully human.

"Lord Crowley" A voice erupts through the silence. I eye over to its source, finding Horn standing at the entrance, showing her that she had my attention. "Lord Ferid has requested an audience with you. He's here right now"

I feel anger instantly wash over my face before I quickly handed the baby off to Horn, leaving the room and quickly stomping off to my office just down the hall.

"What the hell are you doing here Ferid?" I ask as soon as I cross the threshold. I slam the door shut. "Oh Crowley, what's with the hostility? I only wish to show my beloved wild card my concern and support in these troubling times" He retorts instantly.

"Concern?! Support?! She's in the shape she's in because of you! Whoever sent that bastard low blood vampire to kill her and my child clearly doesn't think you should've brought her here"

"Damned half breed. Ferid was an absolute fool to think you belong here" A cocky voice erupted behind me. My eyes peer up towards the new voice not far from where I stood.

Leila sat there, the end of a sword piercing through her chest. Blood spills from its lethal touch. I heard no footsteps. Not even a simple heartbeat. "Dont worry about going to hell alone. Your bastard is next" He admits.

I unsheathe my sword pressing the end to his throat. A cocky smile covered the bastard's face. "Would you feel better if I told you who sent that lacky?"

My scowl deepened. I didn't answer, remaining still as I wait for his explanation. "The mastermind is Fuola Honte." He admits.

Fuola Honte. I know him due to the fact that he too resides in Ferid's faction. I don't know much but what I do know is that he is one prideful son of a bitch. He's always tended to think higher of himself and he has a tendency to take matters into his own hands.

"He lives by certain ideals you see. He's never really seen eye to eye with myself on the topic of having a hybrid in our ranks. He doesn't see her as an advantage but rather a traitor. He's dealt with her presence for the last 8 years and I guess he's finally had enough. He never told me of his plan to do any of this" He explains. I groan.

"You had no part in this attempt?" I question, pushing my blade closer to his neck, earning a shake to his head. "I swear on my immortal life" He admits. "He's dead the next time I see him" I admit quietly as I drop my arm that held the sword. "By all means, have at it. I was actually gonna ask you to assist in his removal while I was here" He chuckles.

"Now, to more important matters, how does dear Leila fair?" He asks after a moment of silence. "Catatonic. She hasn't woken since the attempt." I explain.

"Oh that's troubling" He mumbles. I took in a deep breath before I slid my sword into my sheath. "Is there anything further you wish to discuss? If not, I have a wife to attend to" I admit.

"Nothing further. I just came to see her wellbeing." He says raising his hands in surrender. "Then, I'll be taking my leave" I say, spinning to turn to the door.

"Crowley. One more thing I should mention" He says. I stop short and I look over my shoulder at him. "The higher progenitor's from the council will be making their appearance soon in Japan since hearing about the battle with the demon army. I suggest keeping a close eye on your beloved and child when they do show." He explains.

I sigh, looking forward. "Not everyone is as accepting of the unusual in this world as we are Crowley. The higher ups definitely arent"

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