Take Me to Church

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TW: This story contains mentions of religious trauma, so if that's triggering, please skip this chapter

TW: It also has mentions of H!tler and WW2 so if you aren't comfortable, please skip

Please note: I'm adding a Solangelo kid OC, Bianca Maria Naomi Di Solace, so that's who she is. Also, I'll add more of her backstory in later chapters.

(Bianca has a long name fight me)
(her brother, Michael, doesn't have a name as long)

Will and Nico married here
"SOLACE!" Nico called from downstairs, "YOUR MOM CALLED ME!"

Will scurried down the stairs and almost tripped on the way down. "It's DI Solace to you sir, and what did she say?"

Nico adjusted his son on his hip. "She said that her plane landed and said that she'll be here in about thirty minutes."

Will's eyes widened. "THIRTY MINUTES?! I need to start cooking!"

Nico nodded towards the oven. "I just put the casserole in the oven, love."

Will breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you darlin'." He paused. "Where's Bianca?"

Then, right on cue, three year old screaming came from down the hall.

"There she is."

Bianca ran into the kitchen in her new dress. It was white with a yellow ribbon and bees stitched on the bottom.

She grinned up at her dads. "Look what Meemaw sent me!"

She spun around to show her outfit off.

Will applauded while Nico tried to free his hands.

"Very nice. What's it for?" Nico asked.

Bianca shrugged and Will took this as an opportunity to explain. "It's for Easter Mass."

Nico's eyes widened. "Mass? As in Church?"

Will nodded. "Yeah, my mom is Episcopal so she asked if we could go with her."

Nico scrunched his eyebrows. "Does she not know- I- we're Pagan by definition?"

Will sighed. "She accepts all religions so she's not THAT kind of Christian. Besides, I grew up in Texas, EVERYONE is a Jesus freak there. She was basically shunned from her old church when they found out she had a gay, Pagan son and son-in-law."

Nico nodded. "Ok ok I get it, but do we HAVE to go? I'm not wearing my Sunday best."

Will looked at the calendar. "Well, it's Friday right now, so we have time to figure everything out."

Nico handed their son to Will. "Will, honey, can you please take Michael for a moment? I have to put actual clothes on."

Nico was already halfway up the stairs by the time he finished the sentence.

Will happily took the baby into his arms. "Sure?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~
Ding dong.

"DOORBELL!" Nico called from upstairs.

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