Sick! Will

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Nico POV

I snuggle closer to the warmth that is my husband when he suddenly pulls away and leaves me on the cold mattress. I groan. Is he getting ready for work? Is it 6 already? But if he's going to work, why would he pull away so fast? And he forgot to give me a kiss before he left...

I hear banging and rushing noises in the bathroom. Maybe he IS late for work...? My thoughts were contradicted when I heard a horrible retching sound.

I shot up and tried to blink to allow my eyes to get used to the light coming from the crack in the bathroom door. I slowly stood up and looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table, which read: 4:27 AM.

I knocked on the door. "Will? Babes, what's the matter? Are you sick?"

A moment of silence passed when I heard a very quiet response from him. "Yeah."

I peeked through the crack. "Can I come in?"

"Yea-" Will groaned again.

I opened the door to see Will hunched over on the bathroom tile.

I crouched beside him and rubbed his back."What happened?"

Will shut his eyes tight. "Might've been something I ate. I'll be fine."

I reached over to feel his forehead. "No, you're not going into work tomorrow. You're burning up."

Will shook his head, but quickly stopped and groaned. "I'm fine, just a little nauseous. I'll take some Tylenol and I'll be alright."

I was not having it. "William Andrew di Solace. Admit that you're sick or so help me gods-"

He waved his hand weakly in surrender. "Alright alright, I'm sick. Must've gotten it from one of my students. Happy?"

I brushed a curl of blond hair from out of his face. "Very. Now, if you can handle yourself here, I have to send an email explaining why I won't be in tomorrow."

Will groaned in pain again. "No no, don't do that."

I shook my head. "Yes yes do that. Look at you! You can't take care of yourself like that!"

Will shook his head slowly, trying to avoid another dizzy spell. "I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, thank you very mu-"

Will paused halfway through his sentence to gag. He smacked a hand over his mouth. "Oh gods. Not again."

I looked at him sympathetically. "Do you need anything? Maybe some water?"

He nodded.

I went to the kitchen to fill a glass up with water and then walked back to our room. I knocked again.

"Come in."

I opened the door and put the glass next to him.

He took a sip. "Thanks."

I put my hand to his forehead again. "No problem, darling. How are you feeling?"

Will made a face. "Like absolute garbage, but the water helped a bit I guess."

I brushed another strand of wavy blond hair out of his face. "Do you want to go back to bed? Go to the couch?" I looked at him. "You can take a hot shower? The steam helps with your sinuses."

Will laughed weakly. "I'm so pathetic. Thank you for taking care of me."

I laughed. "You never handled being sick well, even when we were teenagers."

Will smiled. "Yeah, I'm used to helping sick people, not being sick."

I looked at him again and reminisced. "Remember the time you got the flu? You went to long denying you were sick, you almost had pneumonia!"

Will winced. "Let's not talk about that. Instead, how about the time where you almost gave the camp smallpox because you weren't vaccinated?"

I laughed. "Hey, we didn't have your fancy shots back when I was a kid. Cut me some slack."

Will yawned. "What time is it?"

I looked at the clock on the nightstand. "Not even five in the morning."

He sighed. "Ugh. Too early."

I nodded. "Yeah, but there's still time to sleep in."

Will shrugged. "Eh."

I booped his nose. "You sir, need all the rest you can get."

He frowned. "Who's the doctor here?"

I ruffled his hair. "Me now. The old doctor is temporarily MIA, so Dr. Nico had to step in. Now come on, let's get back to bed."


WC: 707

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