Truth Or Dare

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Will isn't actually in this one bc it takes place on the Argo II but it's gay anyway
"Alright! Who wants to play truth or dare?"

Everyone was sitting on the floor, casually playing Uno, and they all looked up at Leo.

Percy grinned. "Yeah. I'm in."

Annabeth put down her final card. "I win. And yeah, I'll play."

Piper groaned. "Dang Chase, you're good at this! I love truth or dare, so I'm definitely in."

Everyone else agreed, so Leo plopped himself down and began the game.

"Frankie boy, truth or dare?"

Frank looked nervous. "Uh, truth?"

Leo smirked and rubbed his hands together. Frank's face went pale.

Leo finally asked: "What's you favorite color?"

Frank continued to look terrified for a moment and then he tilted his head. "I beg your pardon?"

Leo said, "Favorite color."

Frank hesitated. "Lavender I guess."

Leo smiled. "Excellent. Now you ask someone."

Frank turned to Reyna. "Reyna, truth or dare?"

Reyna continued to sharpen her blade and responded, "Dare."

Frank thought for a moment. "I dare you to... wear your shoes on the wrong feet."

Reyna looked at him and took off her boots. "That's lame but ok. Piper, truth or dare?"

Piper answered. "Truth."

"How long have you known that you've liked someone else on the Argo?"

Piper blushed. "I-"

Reyna looked at her. "Someone other than Jason. It's kinda obvious, to me at least. You don't have to say who."

Piper swallowed and said, "Maybe four months?"

Reyna looked at her blade again. "Interesting, your secret's safe with me."

Piper sighed and looked at Percy. She wanted revenge. "Percy, truth or dare?"

Percy grinned his mischievous smile and said, "Dare. And make it good."

Piper smiled sweetly and said, "I dare you to kiss someone."

Percy turned to Annabeth but Piper interjected.

"It can't be Annabeth."

Piper thought he would turn and kiss Reyna. She saw their friendship and thought it would be interesting, but Percy didn't.

Instead, he sat up, leaned across the circle, and kissed Jason right on the mouth.

They kissed for a solid ten seconds before Annabeth grabbed Percy's shirt and pulled him back. "Alright that's enough."

Percy smiled winked at Jason. He made the 'call me' hand signal. Annabeth smacked him lightly on the arm.

Everyone sat in silence and looked between the two boys. Jason was still in shock, mouth open and hand resting on his lower lip.

Leo whistled. "Welp, that was an unexpected turn of events."

Jason stood slowly. "I'm going to head to bed now. Good night."

Hazel looked at him. "But it's only four o'clock?"

Jason looked at her. "We need rest. There's training tomorrow."

He turned his back and walked to his room.

Everyone looked at Percy. Piper spoke up. "So you're-"

"Bisexual? Yeah, I am."

Hazel looked confused. "I'm sorry, I'm new to these things. What exactly does that mean?"

Percy smiled. "Well, I like girls," he held Annabeth's hand. With his other hand, he pointed to the hallway, "and boys."

Nico looked down and tried to slow his breathing.

Piper discreetly looked at Annabeth and clapped her hands together. "You know what? I'm tired too. Night!"

Everyone excused themselves and went their separate ways. 

That day forward, nobody mentioned that game ever again, well, until Annabeth and Piper also came out as bi. Everything made a lot more sense after that.

The End
Uh, so I headcanon Percy as bi. I love the bromance between Jercy, but I also came to terms that Percy 100% kissed a boy before.

Piper is canonically bi, as shown in the end of the Tower of Nero.

There was definitely something between Pipabeth but people are cowards. (the person Piper liked was Annabeth btw.)

Percabeth is absolutely wonderful, and they are both fantastic bicons.

If you don't like any of these ships, I dunno what to tell you. Sorry? These are my opinions idk.

Again, thank everyone for the continuous support!
A Percy kinnie 😁

WC: 666

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