The Ballad of Will and Nico

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This is based on the song above so yeah

I'll keep the lyrics there so it matches the story

Keep in mind that they're engaged in this story, so they're both 21.

Also, the song depicts Love as a female, so please pretend that the written lyrics have he/him pronouns
Will Solace has been on a mission for his job at the hospital. He was traveling around the world and healing all the sick children. Every day, he'd been writing to Nico.

Love writes a letter and sends it to Hate

He tell him that he's coming home to him soon.

"My vacation's ending, I'm coming home late. The weather was fine and the ocean was great, and I can't wait to see you again."

Nico checks the mail for the third time this week. He sees a letter with his fiancé's sloppy handwriting on the front. He opens it to read it.

Hate reads the letter and throws it away.

Nico was upset that Will was gone for so long. His trip was only supposed to last a WEEK, but the conditions were worse than expected, so he had to stay for three.

He says, "No one here cares if you go or you stay. See, I barely even noticed that you were away, I'll see you or I won't, whatever."

He cursed at himself for saying something like that. Of course he missed Will. He missed his warm presence next to him and night. He missed his loud belting in the shower, so loud that Nico heard from the other room. He missed the hugs and kisses when Nico came home from work. In reality, he was counting down the days until he could see his love once again.

Love sings a song as she sails through the sky

Will boarded the earliest flight back home to New York so he could see Nico as soon as possible. And yes, children of Apollo are allowed on airplanes.

The water looks bluer through her pretty eyes. And everyone knows it whenever she flies, and also, when she comes down.

Hate keeps his head up as he walks through the street.

Nico needed to get out of the house so he wouldn't go crazy waiting for Will. Twelve hours staring at the clock isn't healthy for a person.

Every stranger and drifter he greets.

Nico passed his favorite flower shop and waved to the owner. They gave him a yellow rose as he walked by. They must know how he feels.

And shakes hands with every loner he meets with a serious look on his face.

Love arrives safely with suitcase in tow.

Will texts Nico to tell him that he has landed. He stares at the screen, waiting for a response. The message remains left on delivered.

Carrying with her the good things we know: a reason to live, a reason to grow, to trust, to hold, to care.

Will brought Nico a souvenir to put in his office at work. He also stopped by the store to buy a bottle of wine. They both need it.

Hate sits alone on the hood of his car, without much regard to the moon or the stars, lazily killing the last of a jar of the strongest stuff you can drink.

He bought Will his favorite tea from the store and decided to brew himself a cup. It's not very good.

Love takes a taxi, a young man drives

Will climbs into the back of the taxi and quickly hands the man money. "867 Stem Boulevard please, the one right by the strawberry field and the abandoned forest."

He and Nico bought a house close to Camp so they would be safe for a monster attack.

As soon as he sees her, hope fills his eyes. But tears follow after at the end of the ride, 'cause he might never see her again.

The man drops Will off at the front of the house and Will hands him tip money. He unlocks the front door and waits in the living room for Nico.

Hate gets home lucky to still be alive

Nico almost hit a pigeon on his way home and is still traumatised by it.

He screams o'er the sidewalk and into the drive

He unlocks the door and steps into the hallway. He glances at the clock to see when Will would be home.

The clock in the kitchen says two fifty five and the clock in the kitchen is slow

Love has been waiting, patient and kind. Just wanting a phone call or some kind of sign that the man that she cares for, who's out of his mind, will make it back safe to her arms.

Will sits on the couch and watches the hallway. He heard the front door open, but he's much too exhausted from worry and jetlag to get up.

Hate stumbles forward and leans in the door

Will stands up to greet him.

Weary head hung down eyes to the floor

Will holds Nico's head in his hands. He looks into his fiancé's beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

"What's wrong darlin'?"

He says, "Love I'm sorry."

Will looks very confused.

And she says, "What for?"

Nico looks at the love of his life.

He says:
"I'm yours and that's it whatever."

Will pulls Nico close to his chest and kisses his head. He knows what happened: Nico thought he would lose another loved one after they went away.

Bianca Di Angelo joined the Hunters and went on a quest? She died when Nico was only ten years old.

Jason Grace, the person who Nico finally had a friendship with and the first to know about his sexuality, goes away to California for school? Dead.

Nico couldn't bare the thought of losing Will too.

Will kisses Nico again and says:
"I should not have been gone for so long."

Nico pulls away from the steady pounding of Will's heartbeat against his chest. It was a comforting sound that reminded Nico that Will was ALIVE.

He kisses him, on the lips this time, and whispers:
"I'm yours and that's it, forever."

Will smiles and kisses Nico. Nico could feel Will's grin against his lips.

Will pulls away and confirms Nico's statement:
"You're mine and that's it, forever."

Word count: 1077 words

THE END!!!! Gods, I love that song and it reminded me of them soooo here we are!

What did y'all think? Pls let me know! ✨

Thank you for reading!
Love, Me

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