№35|Lets Make A Plan!

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“The worst mistake you ever made my messing with my pack.” Barron shot back, kneeing him in the gut, sending Irvam falling to the floor. 

Barron placed his foot on top of his chest. “This is my pack and I won’t have a bunch of dragons,” his eyes glanced up at his brother, glaring daggers at him, “or my brother, messing with it.”

“Oh and another thing,” he dug his heel into the dragon’s ribs, “teach your dragons what consent is.”

Barron stormed out the room, slamming the door behind him.

“That’s one stubbon ass beta.” Irvam groaned, getting up off the floor. “Julius, where’s the virus you promised us?”

Barron stood outside the door, listening in on the conversation. Why would the dragons want the virus?

“Chill, will ya?” Julius rolled his eyes. “There was a little bump in the road-”

“Bump? What kind of bump?” Irvam glared at him.

“The fairies I needed to help remake the virus weren’t cooperating.” Julius sighed, shaking his head. “Stupid Montego came in will your dragons were with them. Don’t worry, I have some other fairies coming later tonight to help make up for the losses.”

“Julius, you said you would have another virus – one that can’t be cured by a stupid bracelet – by the end of the month. It’s now the 30th of November, and I don’t see any virus.” Irvam told him. “I held up my end of the deal by giving you dragons to help invade the pack, you still haven’t delivered on yours.”

“I just need some more time, Irvam. I’ll get it to you soon, I promise.” Julius promised him.

“I bet they would like some time to before they go into the electric chair.” Irvam said, smirking slightly.

“Just leave them alone,” Julius growled, scrunching up his fist, “you promised you wouldn’t hurt them if I made you another virus.”

“You promised me a virus by the end of the month,” he shrugged nonchalantly, “people break their promises.”

“Just give me another week. I’ll get your virus, alright?” Julius wagered, hoping Irvam would accept.

A lump cleared from Julius’ chest as he watched Irvam nod. “If you don’t have a virus in 3 weeks, I’m taking matters into my own hands.”

Barron quickly walked off, trying to process the information that he just received. However, one thing was clear…

Julius and those dragons are going down.


“I need you to stay still, Barron.” Medusa stated as she attempted to halt the alpha so she could wrap his hand. “For the sake of the gods and goddesses will you stop moving!” She scolded, making the alpha stop and sit down on the edge of the bed.

“Sorry… it’s just I’m so excited! We finally found a way to get him!” A bright smile graced Barron’s lips.

“You’re offly excited for someone who’s about to kill a family member.” Dayo muttered, chuckling softly.

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