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You were all called in for a meeting at the dining table, and to your dismay Jungkook was still not discharged from the hospital. The empty seat beside you stared at you with guilt.

"Hana." Namjoon broke you from your thoughts.

"Yeah? Sorry." You were in a daze and Jin noticed this.

"I'll take you to see Kook after this alright?" Jin smiled kindly at you. You could only nod back, looking down.

Yoongi next to you noticed how quiet you've been lately, usually you're ere loud and obnoxious but your silenced worried him.

"Alright, before we get started, both Yoongi and Hana here have some explanations to make. From now on, there are to be no secrets and Hana is now part of the family." Namjoon announced.

Jimin and Taehyung were getting excited. Finally they weren't being left out in the dark anymore and they were happy for Hana that their hyungs finally accepted her in.

"Hana I'll do the talking alright?" Yoongi whispered to you softly making you smile in appreciation and nod. You really weren't feeling good today.

As Yoongi started explaining the truth in his past to explain the triggers both you and him had. It was going to be a learning process but for now, we seem to know the root cause for it. The other thing he explained made everyone shocked but you already knew about this. How you were only being used initially to take down Hyunwoo's corporation. That you were only going to be used as a tool. Hoseok and Jin's eyes saddened at this, Jimin and Taehyung were infuriated when they heard but you assured them it was okay.

Yoongi then explained he didn't have the heart to continue seeing you in that way, Plus the fact that the both of you shared the same grief and hatred for that corporation, and that you have shown true loyalty for the group that he now has officially accepted you into the gang.

Though the world loyalty stung your heart. You could only think about Jungkook right now. Once all of that cleared up in a way the room felt less tense. Having things cleared up helped the relationships between members and they seemed to go back to normal again, especially Yoongi.

"Don't worry, I've spoken to Kook about everything." Yoongi looked up at you and smiled kindly which you returned but the smile never made it to your eyes.

"Now that is cleared, we need to move on. We have a big mission ahead, and this is going to be one of the bigger and most dangerous missions we've ever taken." Namjoon let out a sigh.

He then briefed everyone of the details, your eyes go wide at the fact that this was just so that they would take the hit off your head. The amount of trouble you've been causing Bangtan was immeasurable.

"Don't do it." You voiced out silencing the room. "I've caused everyone enough trouble, I will not allow anyone to sacrifice their lives over a stupid hit on my head." You pleaded.

"Hana." Namjoon called you. "I'm afraid since you're a part of us now, you have no choice. If you go down we all do to." He seriously said making your eyes dart to the others, their expression the same determination Namjoon had in his eyes, there was no stopping them from doing this.

If you wanted all of them to survive, you'd have to make sure you were the perfect spy and assassin you were trained for.

"Fine." You announced, "but from now on, no ones going to die on my watch." You growled spinning your knife and sticking into the center of the table making Jin want to murder you again but then the other members smirked before doing the same, slamming their knives into the table along side yours.

"I'm not going to bother with this table anymore." Jin sighed in resignation before he too pulled out his knife and stabbed it down making everyone smile widely at each other.

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