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After a good hour, the living room was back in its original state, excluding the broken vase and coffee table, it was as good as new. Both you and Yoongi were slouched on the couches exhausted.

"Good to see the two of you finally sorted out your differences." Namjoon smirked down at the both of you. "I'm guessing Yoongi finally told you the truth?" Namjoon quirked his eyebrow at you.

"Yeah, we're good now hyung. We just need to work out on how to sort out our.." Yoongi looked at you. "Triggers."

You leaned your head back, you didn't realize how much it was hurting til now. "I think I need to take another set of painkillers. My head is killing me." You groaned.

Immediately Yoongi got up and got you a glass of water and your painkillers, handing them to you and sat down beside you.

Namjoon could only smirk knowingly at him. "I think you've managed to overcome yours already Yoongi."

Yoongi threw a look at Namjoon. "Shut up Joon." He muttered a small flush tickling his cheeks.

You couldn't help but notice True Yoongi was actually as calm and as sweet as Namjoon did say. It was going to take a while to get used to but you definitely much preferred him like this.

"Thanks Yoongi." You thanked him before you got a flick to your forehead. "Ow! What the hell!" You glared at him seeing him burst out in laughter.

"Your fault for being an idiot and managed to bang your head against the wall on your own." He snickered.

"Yoongi! I was dizzy!" You huffed.

"Yeah you're lucky I saved your ass just in time before you died of hypothermia." He snickered before covering his mouth. "shit." He swore under his breath looking away.

"What?" You snapped your head at Namjoon. "But you told me Jimin found me." Namjoon just smiled and avoided your gaze before shrugging and walking away. "Wait! Namjoon! You get back here!" But he was already gone, shut in his study.

You whipped your head to Yoongi. "So that was you? You found me?" You asked until a blush made it to your cheeks, "y-you saw me naked."

"Hana, you're literally as flat as a board why would I—Ow! What the fuck I was just telling you that I didn't bother seeing—Ow! Will you stop!" He shouted catching your hands before you could punch him one last time.

"Says the one that was all over me just now." You muttered under your breath crossing your arms looking away.

He just laughed, smiling widely showing his gummy teeth. "I was only joking Hana. I'm glad I found you. I heard a loud noise from my room and I went to make sure if you were okay." He reached out for your hand which you let him take.

"As I said, I promised Jaehyun I'd protect you." He said sincerely and held your hand tightly.

You still had one last question that was itching at the back of your mind. "Do you have that necklace?"

He looked at you confusedly "what necklace?" He paused. "Oh wait you mean this?" He reached in his shirt before pulling out a chain that had a red paper crane at the end. Then it was true that Yoongi did help you from the shower.

"Jaehyun left it with me." He smiled down sadly at it. "But I think it should belong to you now." He started to unlatch the necklace off him but you stopped him.

"Yoongi, it's okay. I want you to keep it." You smiled at him. "From the look in your eyes I can tell you must've really cared for my brother." This made him look away shyly and rub the back of his neck.

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