Big Brother

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"I see you guys found the TV."

All three of you screamed in shock of the random voice before turning around to see it's source.

"Oh my god; I forgot you didn't leave with them." You heaved trying to calm your heart seeing GD with his infamous smirk leaning on the wall with a glass of wine in hand.

"Im sorry for stopping your little movie session but I believe we need to talk about some things." GD sadly smiled at you. Why was he so kind to you?

"Oh don't worry, we just didn't know what else to do." You smiled back, Jimin already turning off the LED screen as it returned back to its large window state.

"Woah. I can't get over how cool that is." Hoseok awed in amazement at it making GD chuckle.

"Come on, I'll show you to the meeting room." He nodded behind him as the three of you followed.

He lead you to a large room, much like how Bangtan's dining room was like except it was enclosed with no windows.

"Care for a drink any of you?" He lifted up a bottle of wine but all of you refused. He just quirked his eyebrow up, "hmm, suit yourself then. Anyway let's get to it."

He started handing out a bunch of 3D looking glasses to everyone, much like the ones in the simulation room. All of you put them and and with a click of a button, you suddenly were viewing the point of view of someone.

"Wait, am I—"

"Yes Hana, you're viewing Suga's point of view. Jimin, you're viewing V's and Hoseok you're viewing RM's. You can cycle through each of their point of views with the button on the side of the glasses." GD explained and all of you awed at how cool this technology was.

"Or, you could be like me and just watch the screen in front with all their views." He chuckled. You took off your glasses and decided to watch the large screen at the other end of the room, it was better for you since you weren't sure if the long hours of someone's point of view were going to bring your headache back.

"Shit, we gotta get ourselves some of these too in our new place." Jimin beamed. "Does it come with sound?"

"Of course! There's some earbuds below the table for each seat. All of you are able to hear into their communications" GD smiled triumphantly, happy to be Able to show such inventions to them.

"Can I ask something Jiyong?" You spoke evenly facing GD. He leaned on his hand and smiled up to you sweetly.

"Anything sweetheart." He took a sip of wine before giving you his undivided attention. While this was happening, Jimin and Hoseok were too involved with the inventions making numerous 'ooh' and 'aah' amused noises.

"Why are you doing so much for us? Like why are you helping us?" You asked. "Like I understand I heard from RM that you and Yoongi have relations but I don't think that's enough reason for you to do this much for us."

He just stared at you for a moment before bursting out laughing. "Hana, I'm not doing this for that grumpy cat."

"I'm doing this for you." He smiled kindly at you.

"But why?" You were so confused. You really didn't know them well at all.

"Because you remind me of my sister." Jiyong smiled sadly at you. His tone changed and he was now speaking gently. Before you could say anything he continued.

"She died. I made a mistake and I couldn't protect her from this life." He looked down sadly before smiling up at you again. "You have the same cute little beauty Mark just to the left of your lip." He pointed to the spot and you couldn't help but subconsciously touch yours. You never really thought about it much at all.

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