A little insight

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The hokage has died along with other brave souls. The village had made sure to show respect through a funeral. As always, when someone dies it is a rainy and gloomy day. Not too long after the funeral, sasuke and naruto disappeared. The void in (Y/n) heart seemed to grow. It seemed that sasuke and her own goals were no longer overlapping but instead, the two seemed to be drifting more and more from one another. More on his part than hers, yet she felt no anger or disappointment. She simply felt lonely. That being said, she made sure to dedicate her time to training the new found power of hers.

She wished to go home, back to the sugimoto estate. She knew that what she was looking for would be there. Yet she wasn't able to get permission to even step out of the village due to all the chain of events that continued to pile on the village. People had no idea of the hidden estate which made it even harder to even get permission to go back there. So here she was, sneaking out from the village, or at least trying to. She waited till midnight before slipping from her home and going towards the dense and dark forest. She wore dark clothing with the Uchiha sigil burning into her back. Yet the mark of the sugimoto clan still remained prominent on her thigh, this was always a reminder of her goal. She was too focused on sasuke that she stopped thinking about her own goals. She paused, what were her goals?

She wanted the truth, what was her clan? Why were they forgotten? What happened to her parents? What was this mark? She wanted to know all of this, enough about just sasuke, it was a moment of clarity to think of herself for a moment. She continued on her way as she jumped through the trees, concealing any trace of herself. It was unfortunately a new moon and she could easily be seen if she wasn't careful of her surroundings. She could feel when people approached her even if they tried to conceal themselves, only if she really focused. She continued her trek, the one thing that would point out the area of her old abandoned home would be great cedars with lovely white flowers, this stood out due to cedars never having such succulent flowers.

She reached a part of the wall that surrounded the village. She looked up and looked around for the anbu. Yet it was odd when she didn't see or feel their presence. Her stomach coiled as she debated going up this part of the wall. She felt that something was severely off and chose to continue along the wall. That was when she felt their presence, it seemed that they had bypassed her security and were following behind. To her it felt like 4- no it was 6 that were following behind her. She didn't blame them, she seemed way too suspicious for their already on edge conscious from the sand attack.

She made sure to make sure her speed was steady, never gaining nor faltering. She knew tonight she would be questioned, it was the last thing she wanted at the moment. She came to a stop once she saw a random male step from the shadows. He caught her off guard with his appearance. This hair was long and shaggy, covering the entirety of his eyes. His hair was a cream brown that matched his tanned skin. "Oh (y/n) I wondered where you were. I said meet here earlier but you're late." he spoke slowly and low. She looked at him confused before catching on. "Sorry, I needed to stop by somewhere and lost track of time, then misled myself to the wrong location." she smiled to seal the quick lie. "Make sure to not do it again." he instructed. "I will, thank you for waiting." she bowed as he looked around slightly. "Their gone." he announced as he looked back to her.

She sighed in relief but remained on guard. "I'm at a disadvantage, who might you be?" she asked as she kept a distance from the man. "I go by Ayumi Kudachi, a leaf jonin. You are (Y/n) Sugimoto." she was caught off guard slightly. She didn't say the name often and not too many people outside of the 3rd hokage knew of her true identity. "Don't be alarmed, I was simply given a task by your father to bring you home when needed." She quickly dropped her guard, she had so many questions for the shaggy haired male but was quieted. "I'll explain a little of what I know later but for now, I'll be your escort but never speak of this to anyone." she was eager as she nodded. He turns and leads her to the wall she had been looking at before, lucky for the two, the anbu were gone. The two put chakra on their feet and ran up the wall quickly and silently. This went well as they landed on the ground on the opposite side. She panted slightly but kept up with the male as they ran the hidden path that she remembered led to her home. She paused though and looked around. Ayumi noticed and looked around as well, he knew but the instructor in him wanted her to point it out.

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