Something is brewing

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Not even 5 minutes in, and naruto had to pee. Team 7 had been given the heaven scroll and went through gate 12. "Whew man, it was so much that I could spell my name." sakura scowled. "Ugh! Don't say that in front of ladies!" yet instantly sasuke kicked naruto back with the sugimoto right behind him kicking naruto down into the ground. "Guys! I know he is disgusting but you went overboard." the duo ignored Sakura's comment. "Hey guys, why did you do that?" Naruto feigned but the sugimoto threw a shuriken which the blonde dodged but sasuke was there within an instant and sent a punch, the blond gasped heavily. "Sasuke! (Y/n)! Please stop!" sakura pleaded. "Look at him sakura, does that really look like naruto to you?" asked sugimoto as she stood next to sasuke. "Huh? What do you mean?" sakura asked as she looked at the pained blonde. "Naruto got a cut, (y/n) put a bandage over it but there is neither a cut nor bandage. Not to mention that naruto's pouch is on his right leg, not his left like this phony." sasuke critiqued. "If you're going to try and camouflage yourself as someone else then you need to know enough about them." (y/n) suggested. The fake naruto was soon surrounded by white smoke and a new figure took his place. A ninja with a bandage over his eyes that only has eye holes and a mouth guard.

"Which one of you has the scroll?" he asked but no one spoke, the three genin stood poised with kunai. "Since things have come to this, I'll have to resort to force." the male ran towards the group. Sasuke jumped into the air and did hand signs to phoenix fireball jutsu. As fireballs rained from the sky, the enemy ninja dodged the attack. The sugimoto ran towards the man and clashed kunai with him. The two jumped passed each other as she landed on a branch, the other male was running. She saw naruto and cut his ropes with a kunai, the enemy ninja took this moment of distraction and threw kunai towards her. She hoped down and allowed her feet to connect to the bottom of the branch, yet a paper bomb was connected to one of the kunai. Her breath hitched as she braced herself but sasuke grabbed her form and hopped away from the impact, when at a safe distance, he placed her down on the ground. "Thanks for the save." she voiced with her eyes on the target. "It's too early to lose the bet now." was all he said before blocking the swipe of the ninja. "Sorry, this is one test you will fail. Hand over the scroll calmly or I will kill you." was his warning but those words were useless as naruto threw a kunai. The male jumped up into the trees as naruto jumped down where he once was standing. The sugimoto felt a pull on her palm that she ignorantly ignored. "Sasuke-" she started. "I'm on it, go." the raven commanded. She jumped up in the trees, she allowed a heavy amount of chakra to go to her feet and push her off the branch. She positioned the kunai to the males chest, the male was too distracted to see her coming due to the kunai that Sasuke threw.

(Y/n) stabbed her kunai into his chest, blood flew from the wound and splattered on her face. Sasuke then appeared behind him and stabbed his kunai in the males back, causing the male to let out a guttural yell. "Sakura! Don't just stand there! There is no telling if he is alone or not! Don't let your guard down, they could attack at any moment!" sasuke yelled as both him and (y/n) jumped away and landed on the nearest branch. Due to this opening, the male ran off. "Damn it, he got away." the (h/c) haired girl grumbled. "It's fine, we hurt him pretty bad so he shouldn't be back. Regroup!" sasuke yelled. Team 7 met back up together. "Naruto, are you ok?" (y/n) asked as she approached him. "Yeah, I'm fine. What happened to you?" he asked. "Huh? What do you mean?" the false uchiha questioned. "There's blood all over your face." sakura commented. Sugimoto wiped her face to the best of her ability, the smudged remains would stay until they made it to a river or stream.

"If there is an instance that we become separated, don't trust anyone even if they look like your teammate. We need a way to know who is who when this situation does pop up." sasuke suggested. "What do we do then?" asked the lads' close friend. "We need a password." sasuke answered. "What kind of password?" naruto asked. "A secret one that only ties the 4 of us together. Trust no one who doesn't know it. No matter what. I'll say it once so listen carefully, you ask when a ninja strikes. The answer is A ninja waits until the time is right, when the enemy sleeps and drops his guard. His weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night, that is the moment for a ninja to strike. Got it?" sasuke asked. "Um could you say it again?" naruto asked. "No can do or someone might hear it." answered (y/n). "What's the problem? I memorized it easily." sakura boasted. "Well yeah but I want to make sure that (y/n) heard it." the girl smiled at his excuse. "How considerate you are naruto, but I got it all as well. Sasuke, do you want me to give you the scroll?" asked the sugimoto. Sakura looked lost and was about to question her but stopped when naruto got a cut on his cheek. "What was that?" naruto questioned.

Cedar |Naruto various x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now