Already at a rocky start

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The group of four looked at the commotion in the hall. "Whats going on here?" (Y/n) asked a random guy that was a part of the group. "Well there are some people that won't let anyone in the exam site." he answered as he pointed to the two guys that were in the way. Every Time someone went to go past them, the said person was knocked back. Finally able to come to the front, group 7 walked forward. "Um, whats going on? Why are you all standing in front of room 201?" (Y/n) asked as she looked around. "I wanted to know the same, we only came up two flights of stairs." sakura whispered back to the female, yet both of them were ignored. "Do you all think this a joke? Chunin are qualified to lead missions. The lives of your squad members are in your hands, so you better be tough enough to take the heat. So delicate little girls dont belong here." one of the boys in front of the door with a red nose mocked as he looked at a girl with twin buns. "We're just thinning the herd. You won't pass anyways, so go home and play with your dolls or something." the second boy who had under clothing coming all the way up his chin teased. "Very nice speech, but how about reversing the genjutsu you placed on the door. We can see through your illusion anyway, we need to be on the third floor." sasuke demanded as some of the other students murmured among themselves.

"So you noticed the genjutsu huh?" the chin guard boy questioned. "Well yeah, anyone who was paying attention would notice they only came up two flights of stairs." pointed out (Y/n). "Exactly." agreed sakura. "Right." chirped naruto. The genjutsu was lifted as everyone gasped. "Well, arent you the smart ones. So you noticed the illusion. Well lets see you deal with this!" the red nosed boy sent a kick as sasuke sent one back, yet a bowl cut boy grabbed the legs of both the attacking boys. "Hey, what happened to the plan?" asked a soft eyed boy who was followed by the twin bun girl as they approached the bowl cut boy. "I thought you were the one who said to keep a low profile and don't let anyone see our skill level." spoke the soft eyed boy. "I know but--" he started but paused. "Never mind, it's over. Forget about it." spoke the twin bun but the bowl cut boys attention was elsewhere. A pink dust painted his cheeks as he stared at the two girls of groups 7. His eyes could be seen turning into hearts as he approached the two girls. "My name is Rock Lee, you must be Sakura and (Y/n). Right?" the girls shared a look. "Sakura please be my girlfriend, (Y/n) please be my training partner." sakura's face dropped. "Definitely...not." Lee's face dropped as well as the hearts in his eyes shattered. "But why?" he asked out of dejection. "Because you're a weirdo." he groaned out and looked at the other girl. "I don't mind us training every once in a while." she admitted but the girl with the twin buns shook her head. Urging the girl to change her mind, to which she did. "On second thought, i'll have to politely decline as well." she rebuttaled as the boy slumped over.

He couldn't handle two rejections at a time. "Hey you, over there. What's your name?" asked the soft eyed boy. Naruto hummed and growled as Sasuke once again got the attention. "It's common courtesy to give your own name before asking someone else's." Sasuke cooly answered. "You're a rookie aren't you? How old are you anyways?" asked the boy beside the twin bun girl. "I'm not obliged to answer." sasuke stated rather rudely. "What's that?" the other boy asked, (Y/n) could tell he was getting annoyed with her dear bestfriend. So she stepped in.

"We should all get going to the test site now, right? So let's go." she looked from sasuke to the other boy before the duo turned to the other members of team 7. "Come on sakura, naruto, it's time to go." Sasuke stated as he walked ahead, leaving the other three to follow. "It's a pleasure to meet our competition." Sugimoto bowed before following her group, they made it to a spacious room and were on their merry way to the exam. Yet here was Lee again as he stood in front of the group. "What do you want?" Sasuke asked as he glared at the bowl cut boy. "I want to fight, right here and right now."

"You want to fight me here and now huh?" he confirmed. "Yes." Lee jumped from the ledge he was standing on in the empty building. (Y/n) sighed, once again here was someone else to watch out for. "Ahhh noooo, those eyebrows CANT be real and the hairstyle is horrible too and those eyebrows are so bushy. You're such a weirdo!" sakura's yelling snapped the girl out of her thoughts. "You are such an angel. Sent right from heaven." he sent a kiss flying to her sakura dodged it and hid behind the other girl on the team. "That was a good move, lets see how you do with these." lee sent more imaginary kisses and due to Sugimoto being a shield, she received them all. When lee was done, (Y/n) felt a shiver go down her spine. "You took them so adamantly. Does this mean that you feel THAT way about me?" he asked as a round blush found its way onto his cheeks. "No, not even close to what it means I feel." she answered as she mentally sighed at the childish antics he was showing. "No matter, Sakura is my only so your affections would have been a waste." he answered honestly. "Fine by me." she moved away from sakura and closer to naruto. "You've heard of the Uchiha clan but you're challenging me? You must be more psycho than you look, if that's possible. You want to know more about my clan? Then I'll teach you the hard way." sasuke got into his stance. "Bring it on." Lee waited poised in his stance. "Hold it, let me take this guy on first." shouted the blonde. "What?" (Y/n) looked at him with disbelief. "What? It will take me two minutes to have this guy begging for mercy." naruto proclaimed. "Go for it then." Sasuke shrugged. "No thank you, the one I want to fight is the uchiha." he denied. "Huh? Well I got news for you, sasuke can't compare to me." naruto ran to lee and threw a punch at the waiting boy. Lee twisted his hand and pushed down on naruto's fist, causing the boy's punch to be redirected. The blonde regained himself by landing on his hand and spinning to send a kick. Lee leaned back before squatting and twirling with one leg out, knocking naruto off his hand. "Leaf whirlwind." called out the bowl cut.

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