To Catch A Monster

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The hideout was different, it was suffocating. More than usual at least as she and Ayumi walked down the stairs. She could feel remnants of their chakra so she figured that they left but when she approached a room, a fight had appeared to happen in it. The door had been cut down and blood painted the floor and walls. Her breath hitched before she turned with a kunai in her hand, throwing it into the dark hall. "As always, very preceptive. But im not here to fight, I only came to share a message." she recognized that annoying voice.

Kabuto walked out of the shadows holding the kunai in hand. "Message?" she questioned as she and Ayumi stood waiting. "Sasuke has killed Lord orochimaru. He will now be going after Itachi Uchiha with a group he has formed." his voice went flat as she watched for even the slightest twitch of his limbs. "I see, but why are you telling me this?" she questioned as kabuto's usual smirk appeared. "You will come to understand later. But for now, run along to him." he shooed before disappearing. "I suppose we need to report back. Damn." she sighed as she knew that she would have a couple of days before she would be sent back out.

At least she didn't have to stay for another day out here. This was important enough for her to go home. She and Ayumi returned to the village, requesting an audience with Lady Tsunade.

She also sent for sakura and naruto so that they were there for the report. "Whats this all about (y/n)? I was eating breakfast." naruto asked as he looked at the woman. "Well, sasuke killed orochimaru." she informed as naruto smiled and sakura teared up. "T-that means he is coming back, right?" sakura questioned hopefully as (y/n) remained flat. "No. He will be targeting Itachi Uchiha. That was his goal from the beginning. This means he has found the power he was searching for in order to fight Itachi." naruto's face fell as a look of frustration crossed his countenance.

"If I leave now, I could follow the trail of his chakra but im sure he will not stop till Itachi is killed by his hands so that would be a fruitless chase. But we can use this to our advantage." she proposed as naruto looked at her in disbelief. "Go on, what are you thinking?" the Hokage asked. "If sasuke is going after itachi, then that means he will interact or fight the akatsuki. Which will be after naruto since he is labled a jinchuriki. This will kill 2 birds with one stone." she proposed as Tsunade thought it over.

"You want us to use sasuke as both a distraction and asset?" the blonde Hokage asked. "Yes." she affirmed. "(Y/n)! How could you use him like that?" naruto asked as Ayumi spoke. "Naruto Uzumaki, you are at risk of dying by both sasuke and the akatsuki. But if you so desperately want to bring the Uchiha boy back then you need to take what he is after. She is proposing we deal with itachi to lure sasuke back. But of course that leaves the other members. While looking for itachi, he will try to squeeze it out of the other members. This buys us time to keep you safe and to think of a way to hold itachi down as he is a formidable foe." the shaggy-haired jonin spoke.

For those not used to his normal talking, it was a shock but also ominous. Yet (y/n) wasn't fazed. "As ayumi stated, that was the plan as I know he wont come back otherwise and if we kill itachi he will be hostile towards us. The goal is to take itachi hostage and once sasuke comes, try to negotiation his return in exchange for his brother." she waited for an answer. "Thats a risky plan." Jiraiya spoke as Tsunade sighed. "Very risky indeed but good. Do you have a team and plan in mind?" she asked the young jonin woman.

"I can handle that." kakashi was leaning on the frame of the door as naruto's smile returned. "Kakashi, are you saying this might work?" sakura held her breath. "It could if we are all on our toes and prepared for the risk." the white-haired male looked to Ayumi and (y/n). "You two are the biggest advantage we have. Ill pick out the team and have you two review, in the meantime I advice everyone getting ready for departure tomorrow at dawn."

Cedar |Naruto various x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now