Growing Interest

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Kiba mentally thanked akamaru for this opportunity. He was hungry but didn't want her to watch him eat or leave instead. Her inviting him to her place was his chance to show his charm and hopefully get them a second date. Wait, was this a date? He couldn't dare to ask her that but he felt like it was. The trio walked in a comfortable silence until they bumped into sakura. "(Y/n)! Happy to see you, where are you heading?" sakura asked as the woman smiled. "Having a home cooked meal with kiba, what are you doing with that basket?" she returned the questioned as she pointed to the basket of food pills. "Oh im bringing them to naruto since his training has gotten much harder and we all know he will over do it. I hand made them if you would like to try them." upon making the offer, akamaru whined which in turn made kiba shake his head.

"No thank you as were about to eat soon anyways. But tell naruto that im cheering for him." she requested as sakura nodded. "Will do, see ya." sakura waved as the trio waved back. "Well we dodged a bullet there, lets go." sugimoto urged as she walked ahead of the two. After the short trip, they walked up the stairs to her apartment. She unlocked the door and let the canine and kiba in. "How cozy. I like it." Kiba complimented. Maybe it's due to their previous talk about her smell but it was overwhelming here. Every speck of the house produce her smell, sending his mind into and ecstasy daze. "Thank you, I barely come home due to all the damn missions I get." her voice snapped him out of his stupor as he took his shoes off and walked into the home, followed by akamaru who laid next to the couch.

"Either way, it's nice." he answered as she chuckled. "Well thanks, the menu today is pork cutlet. Is that ok with you?" she asked as the canine and male nodded. "Great, just sit back and give me about 30 minutes." She took off the shrug bolero and washed her hands before she looked in the fridge and pantry for the ingredients. "So can I ask you a question?" Kiba prompted. "Well I cant stop you." she answered as the male took a moment to respond. "Why did you change your last name from Uchiha? Why did you choose to stay? Why did you leave if not for sasuke?" he bombarded as the woman halted from cutting the pork to slender chops. "That's more than one question." she muttered as Kiba rubbed his neck.

"It had been on my mind since the sasuke retrieval mission. I wondered if you felt burdened for staying here with us." he explained as she smiled. "First, my last name was never uchiha. I used it to protect myself since I wasn't so knowledgeable about my clan. I have no idea of the enemies my family had and needed to keep myself safe until then." she pounded on the pork to tenderize it. "Second, I chose to stay because what I needed was not where he was going. I have my own ambitions and don't simply follow Sasuke." she heated up a pan of oil before placing the panko coated meat in the pan.

"I'll answer the third one in a moment. I'll be right back." She washed her hands of the raw meat before walking into her room. Kiba's mind was in a frenzy, had he offended her? Did he bring up bad memories? He didn't know but he was surely worried, akamaru made a huff sound as kiba looked at him. "Yeah I know, I should have minded my business. I just wanted to know more about her." he sighed before he heard the sound of sizzling, the pan was overflowing with the oil, he could see flames beginning to grow as akamaru stood on alert and barked. "Oh shit, um (Y/n)! There's a fire!" he yelled as her followed the smell of the woman to what he assumed was her room. "Hey, the oil-!" the males jaw dropped as he walked in on the woman who had been changing. "Kiba? What's wrong?" she asked as she pulled the shirt over herself.

"F-fire." he peeped as her eyes widened. She ran to the kitchen, and there was a growing oil fire. She searched through the pantry and pulled out some baking soda, she poured it ontop of the fire helping to kill it. She sighed as she pulled the pan off the stove and turned off the heat. She slapped her forehead. "Only for a moment and so much happened. Such a rookie mistake." she scolded herself. She felt uncomfortable due to the blood and splatter that soaked the bandages from the pork so she went to change. Had she simple cut the bandages and quickly came back then this wouldn't have happened. "Im really sorry kiba- kiba?" she questioned as the front door was wide open. She looked to akamaru who also looked at the open door in concern. "Should we look for him?" she asked the dog as akamaru nodded and barked with affirmation.

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