From first to the second

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The kunoichi looked upon the paper, Number 1: decipher the code below. She read through the short cryptic paragraph then rewrote the translation of it. Number 2: Line B in the diagram indicates the trajectory of a shuriken thrown at enemy C by Ninja A who is seated atop a tree that is 7 meters tall, describe and formulate the trajectory required if C we're positioned at Point D, E, and F also predict the farthest possible range of the shuriken and explain how you arrived to your answer.

She let out a small sigh, they were not pulling punches when writing these questions. How was Naruto expected to get these answers right? She stopped at the 4th question before looking up to akamaru, who was staring at her paper. She frowned and hid her paper from the cheating male and pup. The pup whined as Kiba slightly turned his head to side eye the girl. "Do you have to be that way (Y/n)?" he asked quietly. "Well what do I get out of helping you?" she asked. "Two new friends?" he questioned but her face dropped to disbelief. "Fine, I'll give some answers to you. Just don't get caught, or we both fail." akamaru yipped after kiba finished as if they were in agreement. "Fine." the two diligently worked and eventually were able to finish the intricate and complex questions.

(Y/n) looked around the classroom, many people were cheating but you would never have known if you weren't looking for it. She was impressed, yet one thing worried her. Naruto.

He simply sat there and trembled, he didn't know any answers and couldn't cheat due to the fear of being caught. She wished she had been seated next to the boy so that she could help him yet wishing wasn't going to help their team pass. A miracle was needed for team 7 or Naruto if you wanted to be technical. Teams were being booted out more and more till the mass majority were gone. "Alright, listen up! The 10th and final question is coming up. But, before I give you the final question there are some more rules you need to be aware of." the man paused as the door opened. Sugimoto didn't notice that kankuro left, merely that he was coming in with one of the proctors. "Just in time, I hope you found your trip to the bathroom enlightening." kakuro gulped but kept himself composed. "Well, take your seat." kankuro quickly walked to his seat, once he was seated Ibiki (the proctor who has been talking) began again. "These rules are unique to question 10, so listen carefully and try not to let them frighten you. Very well, rule number 1 is that each of you is free to choose not to be given the final question. It's your decision."

Yet there had to be a catch.

"If you choose not to take the 10th question then you get a zero. Regardless of what you got for the first 9 questions. In other words, you fail. Which also means that both of your teammates fail. Oh but if you do accept the question, but answer it incorrectly, you will not only fail but you will be banned from taking the chunin exam ever again!" (Y/n) lost her breath, she began to feel hot and stuffy as she looked to naruto. Was this really the end already? They had just been given the chance yet it was to be taken from them already? Yet she knew naruto felt worse, that fear of ruining it for his team and letting them down was eating him alive. Yet whichever naruto chose, Sugimoto would stand by it. Sasuke turned his head to make eye contact with the girl. She motioned her head to the blonde and mouth her choice. She saw him sigh before nodding in agreement.

The girl jumped as akamaru jumped down in front of her when kiba abruptly stood up. "What the hell! That's ridiculous. What kind of bogus rule is that? There are lots of people here who have taken the test before!" Akamaru yipped in agreement behind him. "I guess you are all unlucky. I wasn't making the rules before, but I am now. Of course if you don't want to take it then you don't have to. If you are not feeling confident then by all means, skip it. You just have to come back and try again next year." Ibiki let out a cruel laugh, as if he took pleasure in the twisted mental torment that the examinees were going through. Kiba sat back down with a growl, (y/n) rubbed his back in a comforting way. She also made sure to do the same for akamaru, to which both were thankful for. Kiba knew that the comfort was also meant for her due to the fear of Naruto holding her team back, so he allowed her to keep akamaru back there with her.

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