Something is brewing

Start from the beginning

A blast of wind whipped past them all. "What the hell is this!?" yelled the sugimoto before the team was blown to separate locations. The sugimoto nearly impacted a tree branch, swiftly rotating her body, she allowed her feet to keep her rooted on the tree. Once the wind died, she repositioned herself on the branch, once again they were separated again. She laid low and allowed her presence to be concealed. She made her way down the branches of the tree until she came in contact with a certain blonde. He had been lying upside down before picking himself up. She slowly crept behind him and aimed her kunai at his throat while covering his mouth. "I dare you to scream. When I uncover your mouth, say the password." he nodded and she pulled her hand down. "Um, a ninja wakes up at night and waits to attack with night weapons?" he 'recited'. "Geez, you could at least remember the first part." she scolded. Naruto scratched the back of his head and gave a cheeky smile. "Sorry, it was too lengthy and I got lost."

"Come on, let's go find the other two alright?" the blonde nodded in agreement. Yet before the two could even think of moving, a very life threatening snake appeared. "I-its huge!" naruto yelled. It slowly inched towards them which made the two step back, at the slightest movement the snake jumped at the duo. (Y/n) grabbed naruto and jumped into the trees, but the snake's tail quickly lashed for naruto. It grabbed the blonde and yanked him from her arms. Once it had him, the snake wrapped around him. "Naruto!" yelled sugimoto as the snake opened its mouth and ate the blonde. She trembled at the sound of his screams. Her grip on the kunai tightened, she watched as the snake slithered away and quickly followed after it. "Naruto can you hear me!?" she asked. "(Y/n)! Get me out of here!" he pleaded. "I'm on it, just give me a moment." she jumped onto the snakes back, it didn't bother to even spare her a glance. She twirled the blade and pointed it downwards, stabbing down into the snake. Yet the blade bounced off the snakes skin. "Shit! Naruto try stabbing from the inside!" she demanded. "Im trying but it isn't working!" she looked around for a solution. At this point, the snake laid down and waited for the boy to digest.

"(Y/n)." naruto spoke up. "Yes?" she answered. "I have an idea, get back! Shadow clone jutsu!" he yelled. The girl jumped back quickly just before the snake explodes with multiple naruto's emerging. "Im going to become hokage so I refuse to be eaten by a stupid snake! You're crazy if you think I'm going to become a pile of snake dung in the woods." he groaned out. The multiple naruto's disappeared leaving just one. (Y/n) slowly walked towards him and dropped to her knees to match his level. Her arms embraced him and threw the boy off guard. "Im glad you're ok. Please be careful." she pulled away from the flabbergasted male. "Yeah, believe it." he answered. "No! Stay away!" the two heard sasuke yell. "Sasuke!?" (y/n) called as she jumped up and dashed towards the voice. "W-wait for me!" naruto yelled as he bolted after her. He followed her up a tree to see her throwing shuriken to a woman looking figure that was trying to attack sasuke, they strike the tree in front of the woman. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" seethed sugimoto. "Yeah, looks like we came just in time as always." naruto boasted.

The female glared at the two new distractions. "You guys made it!" sakura yelled with slight relief. "(Y/n), it's dangerous! Take sakura and you three go!" he commanded but she sent her glare to him, he was taken aback. "How dare you, I said I'd have your back. Don't make me out as a liar." she looked to sakura. "You better be ready to back me and Naruto up when we need it. Im counting on you." sakura felt her heart speed up. This was the first from sugimoto. "I-I'll do my best."

"Wow, seems you got away from my friend naruto. And you." the woman's gaze flickered to (Y/n). "You're more of a problem than I thought. I should deal with you myself then I'll finish with my original prey." Sasuke's heart dropped, what does he do to ensure her safety? "I dont know what's going on here, but you've been picking on my friends and I don't like that. Now that i'm here you better crawl back in your hole before I make a pair of shoes out of you!" naruto yelled. Sasuke gritted his teeth and thought up a formulated plan. "Here, isn't this what you want?" sasuke pulled out the heaven scroll. "What the hell are you doing?!" (Y/n) screamed. "Shut up! I'm saving our lives!" sasuke yelled back. "By giving the scroll to the enemy? No way!" yelled naruto. "How sensible, how responsible. When the prey needs to save its own skin, it gives the predator something of equivalent value to distract them."

Cedar |Naruto various x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now