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Warnings: panic/anxiety attack, self deprecating thoughts

@ThatsVeryScandalous Thanks for the Request!


Connor's POV

I was walking to the orchard after a long day of fighting with my parents. "You're so" this. "You always" that. Like, I get it mom, I'm a disappointment. I can't be fixed. Never could be. Why do I even bother? no matter what I do, they always want me to "do my best" but then when I do my best, they think I'm lazy.

I continued brooding until I heard my phone go off. I took it out thinking it was my mother calling me, just to hang up, but no, it was Evan, my boyfriend since last year. "Hey, Evan! how's it going, babe?"

I could make out small broken words between sobs; "Hey- hey Connor... Can-can you come to m-my place?" Shit. He's really upset, I can tell.

"Okay, I'm on my way." I was about to hang up when he asked:

"Wait, can yo-you stay on t-the call while you g-get here?"

"Of course, Honey."

I held the phone up to my ear as I ran to his house. It was mostly silent, besides me trying to calm him down, to no avail. Once I got there, I flung my messenger bag on the ground, and ran around the house, trying top find him. "Evan? Babe? Where are you?" After no answer, I finally tried this trick that usually worked.

"Marco!" I yelled.

After a few seconds I heard a faint, "Polo..." coming from upstairs. 

"Marco!" I said again, as I ran up the stairs.

"Polo.." It was coming from the bathroom. I slowly knocked on the door. 

"Evan? May I come in? Or do you want me to stay out here?"

"you can come in." I gently opened the door to Evan, who was scrunched up into a ball next to the toilet. I kneel in front of him.

"Ev! hey, hey, look at me, are you okay?" He shook his head. "Okay, uhm... Oh! Can you name five things you see for me?" 

"um, you, the toilet, the mirror, the... wall, I guess, and... the shower? I don't know."

"that's great, sweetheart. Keep breathing. Can you name four things you can touch?"

"Your hair," He fiddles with a loose strand of my hair. "The rug, the floor, and... the cabinet... yeah the cabinet."

"perfect. Three things you can hear?"

"Your voice, the ice machine in the kitchen, and the faucet.."

I smiled. "Two things you can smell?"

"The shampoo, and uhm... my shirt? If that makes sense." 

"It does, it's okay. Now, one thing you can taste?"


"You. Are. Safe." I pull him into a hug. His tears are still falling, but at least he knows he is safe, and can breathe. 


That was really short, I need to work on making longer one shots. 

anyways, hope you like it!!

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